WHEN you've shouted "Rule Britannia," when you've sung
"God save the Queen,"
When you've
finished killing Kruger with your mouth,
Will you kindly drop a shilling in my little tambourine
For a
gentleman in khaki ordered
South? Rudyard Kipling.

Will you kindly drop a shilling in my little tambourine

The author of the
above words was a great enthusiast for the British Empire and a man who
sympathised greatly with the rank and file British Army soldier.
On the same day that
the British gutter press orchestrated an explosion of vile personal abuse
against Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn, the Tory Government passed a bill
which ensures that three million of Britain’s poorest families are to lose £1,000
per year through cuts in tax credits. His sin? he was seen not singing the
national anthem god save the queen at a centenary commemoration of the battle
of Britain.
This will no doubt
shock you but I have never in my 66 years stood for the national anthem and I
have no intention of starting to do so now. If I find myself unavoidably at an official
occasion I stand silently rather than cause offence to my hosts but, generally
speaking I make it my business not to be around places where this preposterous
dirge is sung. I salute those who fought and died and as well as those who were
wounded in the fight against Nazism and I can’t help but note the irony
involved here, because, if the Nazis had won anyone caught not singing the
national anthem “god save our gracious Hitler” would be shot.
The cut in tax credits
will not of course affect the Royal Family despite the fact that none of them
have ever done a day’s work in their lives or indeed heard a gun fired in anger,
the only benefit we gain from such absurd Gobbelsesque press behaviour is that
we are reminded of what a mind numbingly dim-witted, insensible and downright rotten
our society is. The real reason for the outpouring of hatred from the
establishment is of course that Corbyn and people like him shine a light on the
unchecked greed of the rich and powerful, he makes them look and feel guilty,
what a breath of fresh air he is proving to be.
Prince Andrew was flying helicopters in the Falklands and Prince Harry was twice in Afghanistan and Prince Charles commanded a surface ship in the navy.
And I'm Lord Lucan and the horse I'm riding is Shergar.
We know at least you were not there at the sharp end Terry boy.
I've never stood or sung the National anthem either, but mines for a different reason than yours, I find Nationalism embarrassing, whilst you just hate the Queen..
You are a real revolutionary aren't you?.
Being there at the sharp end is simply doing as you are told.
You are a thoroughly confused little beggar aren't you. A union supporting (Irish sympathising) British nationalist that doesn't like the trappings of the British state.
One flew over the cuckoo's nest right enough.
cliff mccabe
I don't have a dog in the hunt anymore other than the peace, safety and contentment of my relatives and friends still in The UK..... But I hear nothing from Labour as to Tony Blair's government making a mistake in promoting diesel cars that are now killing people. In 2001, the then Chancellor Gordon Brown introduced lower vehicle tax for diesel cars, on the grounds that they were less polluting. That tax break remains in place today. The Japanese and Americans did not buy into the diesel craze, the fact is diesel is unrefined gasoline and should sell for much less, no amount of retoric with make it burn clean. This and the equally naive antiquated rantings of Mr. Corbyn among other things do not bode well for Labour being a part of any power sharing entity. My point is that I believe the only thing that works is Multi-Party System. Rather than classless finger pointing and contemptuous one upmanship on grammar, syntax and apostrophe s's why won't Labour admit it's mistakes, get rid of it's crooks and come into the 21st century (the same can be said of unionism everywhere) The silent majority are not stupid and they vote, give them hope and show some class in the face of adversity.
Terry forgot to add my name to post, please add if you opt to post. Cheers Arthur/Chicago
Anonymous said...Wednesday, September 30, 2015 9:51:00 a.m.
I prefer unity to separation, I am not a nationalist, its the same as racism and fascism, I am opposed to the trappings of any state where the rich exploit the poor as being demonstrated right now by SNP MPS. People with mental health issues are ill, how typical of someone like you to make fun of them. You are a deeply deeply ugly person Mr. McCabe, I'm glad you and those like you are in the SNP.
Anonymous said...Thursday, October 01, 2015 3:33:00 p.m.
I can't help you, I'm not a doctor.
I prefer unity to separation, so when does your campaign to bring ireland back into the uk begin. hypocrite
Anonymous said...Tuesday, October 13, 2015 9:08:00 a.m
Ireland, all of it, was Ireland long before it was invaded and became part of the UK. Would it not be more productive if you did some research before making a fool of yourself.
Cllr Kelly you are quite correct in the comment above. Surely then you will realise that Scotland was Scotland long before the act of union. You views on Ireland seem to be entrenched but magically change when you substitute the word "Scotland" for "Ireland". Why do you applaude the Irish so much for yearning freedom but condemn Scots who wish the same for themselves?
Is it just a case that you will sing whatever tune Labour headquarters demand of you?
Your constituent's deserve to know before you ask them to vote for you in May.
Dougie Chalmers said...Friday, November 13, 2015 8:20:00 a.m.
Scotland has been united with England for over 300 years and the last 270 years of that have been peaceful. Ireland by contrast have been fighting Britain for some 845 years and at no time has it ever been peaceful. Try hard and you will see the difference, the people of Scotland have just voted to remain part of the UK and you still refer to wanting your freedom. the snp have abandoned independence for an unstated time, you need a new narrative, with the greatest respect.
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