The eyes met, the chemistry was strong, the pipes played in the distance, it was love at first sight.
The view from Left field, politics, entertainment, argument and insight into my world. For Socialism, peace and justice, against racism, sexism, sectarianism, nationalism and discrimination. Avanti Poplo!
Good grief, Councillor, that was rather witty - well done!
Looks more like you than it does of him.
A cruel thing to say indeed.
Cllr Terry Kelly said...
There is a theory that says if you sit a group of monkeys down with type writers and give them enough time they will come up with the complete works of Shakespeare, there is even hope for you.
Monday, July 04, 2011 11:01:00 AM
Actually the theory is that if you sit a group of monkeys down with large sheets of red material then they will make Rosettes and immediately form the Labour Party.
A Labour politician talking about monkeys - Labour voters. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha You couldn't make it up. He He.
It was self deprecating humour, being from the SNP you wouldn't understand, another dumb teuchter.
Good God what a bunch of morons, it was self deprecating, you wouldn't understand.
I read over the weekend that it was described as a bronze bust of someone with a brass neck.
The narcissist is described as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity. Wee Alec. (the spiv) I wonder how many mirrors he has in Bute House?
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