Friday, March 21, 2008


Cardinal O'Brien is a clever man, he chooses his words carefully, he deliberately uses words like monstrous and Frankenstein to describe the 'Embryology Bill' He clearly feels passionately about this and he is obviously sincere, and so am I when I disagree with him.

It would be silly of me to start a scientific debate with him or anyone else who reads this, the matter is awash with detail and complicated arguments which I don't claim to have mastery of, I do however have some heartfelt opinions on this and I try to express them without prejudice to Church or Science.

The Church says it's wrong to create a cell using part of an animal, I haven't been convinced by that, I want to know why. Would there for instance be any opposition to a part of an animal bone being used to graft two parts of a shattered human bone together ? how about a tiny part of an animal's eye to replace a part of a human eye which had stopped working ? these are hypothetical of course but, I have to confess that the idea of such a thing doesn't horrify me at all.

The Cardinal believes in the sanctity of life and so do I that's why I take this position. I also believe that this argument was lost a long time ago, probably starting with blood transfusions and on through organ transplants etc. I believe that this type of experimentation and more will continue as science follows it's unstoppable path for more knowledge and progress, it was ever thus.
Cardinal O'Brien says that this is being done "using the excuse that cures will possibly be found for serious diseases" does he not believe their reason ? or is he saying that that, is not a good enough reason ?

Would the Church say to someone who has a loved one who is dying that God would not want a cure found for their condition in this way ? I honestly think that would be wrong and, it would be untrue IMO.
I don't believe with respect that the Cardinal has any better contact with the almighty than any of the rest of us and, it might be the case that God would look at the plight and suffering of those who might benefit from these experiments and give his blessing.

There are many many people out there who will be praying, yes praying, that this bill is passed, they need our help and our prayers if you have them.
We need to find out more about disease, science is our best hope, today we learned of a man in a Glasgow hospital with an incurable case of TB, something we thought we had beaten.
More knowledge is required to defeat these terrible diseases, would God disagree with that, this quote sums up my attitude to this.

"The more we learn, the less we fear" ( Marie Curie )


Anonymous said...

Well that is an interesting phrase - the sanctity of life - the catholic church usually employ it when they get their cassocks in a twist over abortion or anything to do with a woman's rights over her body. Does it have the same meaning for you Terry? What is your view on abortion?

Anonymous said...

Yeah and what about using pigs insulin for diabetics.

No wonder we have separate schools if this is what they preach at the chapel. Thank the lord!

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

(Anonymous) 20:17

“the catholic church usually employ it”

Now there’s a more interesting phrase eh ? Of all the organisations, groups etc. who are opposed to abortion you seize on the Catholic Church. I think I can smell the unmistakeable stench of sectarianism here.

“What is your view on abortion“ ? My view is at odds with the Catholic Church but, I don’t think anyone wants abortion, do you ? Is abortion a good thing ? I don’t think it is.

It’s a wee bit more complicated than the average sectarian bigot would allow right ?

Anonymous said...

Brilliant post!

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

(Isaac) 21/03/08

Some people who are seriously ill might see things differently, I think you might find that this is not what they teach at the chapel.

Your tone is unfortunate and suggests that you have a sectarian problem.

Macnasty said...

Councillor, my request for your views on animal experiments seems to have gone astray.

Will you please accept this as a second request, and share your thoughts on the subject.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the case of TB is incurable. I think it is just not treatable using the usual methods. As I think I found it it required a separate and special set of drugs are required.

Given that this man came from Somalia where "regular" TB is quite common I would suggest that this strain of TB evolved because we treat TB with other drugs. The strains eventually become resistant as per natural selection. It has been an unfortunate side effect of modern medicine.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

shrekball -

It might look like I’m just in the habit of disagreeing with you but, my understanding is the TB here is incurable but treatable i.e. like some other diseases which can be managed into old age without killing someone, e.g. some chronic cancers.