Monday, September 15, 2014


The snp and their followers have, as I predicted brought ignominy on Scotland through their yes campaign. The behaviour of their followers has been frightening and embarrassing, reminiscent of scenes which were last witnessed in the 30’s as the Moseleyite blackshirt mobs of The British Union of Fascists used violence and intimidation to deal with anyone who opposed them.  Considering the squalid history of the snp it is no surprise at all that we have witnessed this thuggish behaviour.

They have lied again and again since the start of the campaign, creating phantom groups of pro independence supporters, using deception to ensure that  a majority of their supporters could pack TV meetings and other meetings in public halls. They have also been traducing every opponent who challenged their bizarre assertions no matter how qualified and distinguished they were in their field. Celebrities as well who dared to show support for the UK have been subjected to the foulest abuse imaginable and supporters of the NO campaign have been disinclined to display their support  for the union by turning up at meetings, putting posters in their windows at home or stickers on their car windows for fear of violence and or vandalism, this is not Weimar Germany at the time of Hitler and the Nazis folks, this is Scotland at the time of the snp and alex salmond.  

The day approaches, will the people of Scotland choose to vote NO thus favouring reason, debate and truth or will they choose yes and plump for odium, belligerence and mendacity?. The United Kingdom has survived for over 300 sometimes turbulent years, sometimes it has been one step forward and two steps back but the overall result thus far has undoubtedly been progress. That is not to say we are satisfied or complacent, far from it but the more observant and analytical among you will I’m sure conclude that this struggle is by definition a long haul, look at any other country and you will find problems and yes we have our share.

In my own lifetime I have been able to listen to parents and grandparents tell stories of what could only be described as hard hard times when lives for people like us was often short and brutal, their lives testify eloquently to the progress that has been made under the union. Compare if you will the progress made in the fundamental fields of Education, Health, Housing and the Welfare State among others. These improvements would of course have happened without the union but I find it hard to accept that they would have been as inspiring and certainly not as rapid.

I will therefore vote NO, not only for my children, and their children but in remembrance and appreciation of my parent’s and grandparent’s generations, their struggles and their vision, for their courage and sacrifice and their dream of the future, that is the torch we carry, let’s make sure we do not drop it, VOTE NO.            


Anonymous said...

my mother's 84yrs old and has raised 7 children...and is voting Yes.

the only vile aggression i witnesss, is the tone of your blog, Mr Kelly.

that's my opinion; if allowed to have one.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Either you are not watching events or you are a liar.

Anonymous said...

Should the outcome be in favour of Yes can we trust in you to take your poison elsewhere?

Anonymous said...

You must be so proud of the the No supporters and their Nazi salutes, cries of Engerlaand, Engerlaaand and telling an Asian reporter it was ok for him to report cos that's why the law was changed to let them in. Arsehole.

Anonymous said...

You must have seen those vile nationalist loyalists causing mayhem in George Square. I take you are proud to be associated with these lowlife unionists.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the vile actions of unionists in George Square? You must be proud to be associated with these people.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Saturday, September 20, 2014 9:25:00 pm.

Yes I have seen them and the only difference between them and the snp "tartansirt" mobs who have been roaming our streets was the different flags. Two fascist mobs clash at George Square while the world watches aghast, a triumph for alex salmond's decades of spreading hatred.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...
Thursday, September 18, 2014 5:45:00 pm

My apologies for the delay but I'm pleased to be able to tell you that since we won I consider the part my blog played has been vindicated. I will as a consequence of this be blogging on, I am delighted to have played a part in stopping the advance of snp racism and fascism and ending the career of this countries most evil and dangerous politician ever, alex salmond.