Having spent a year strutting around Holyrood like a brutal prison guard, with a sycophantic anti Labour media urging on the bully.
Salmond (the spiv) has been forced to go "homeward to think again" following his accusations that Wendy Alexander was useless, that her position was untenable, that she should resign etc. etc. he is suddenly challenged by her to 'put up or shut up' and he 'shuts up'
He stitches the Scottish people under independence to allegiance to the British Throne. (bonny Chairlie's noo awa) that's for sure now, no way back for the wee man, the 'spiv's gied him the mallet. (no dissent ?)
He publicly states that a pact with the Westminster Tories is on the cards, (history repeating itself)
He accuses the PM of cowardice for abandoning election plans because he doubted he could win ! isn't that a cracker ? who has just backed away from a referendum because he knows he can't win ? despite claiming that 80 % of Scots favour independence ? Yes it's Alex (the spiv)
Stir in the right wing budget and you can't help but feel the pain of those old nationalists who believed in the cause, where are they ? has Alex (the spiv) banished them to the 'Utter Hebrides' along with Sillars and Margo, "will they no come back again"
If the 'spiv' is ever sworn in as PM of an independent Scotland he will do so in the presence of the British Monarch under the fluttering Union Jack and applauded by Tories and the business community.
Ochone, Ochone will no one in the SNP speak out ? Scotland lies bleeding and the 'spiv' is twisting the knife.
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What you say makes a lot of sense and I dont understand why Gordon Brown and the Parliamentary Labour Party aren't being more supportive of Wendy Alexander.
Not only the lack of support, but when a Glasgow Labour MP (Robertson) attacks the Leader of Scottish Labour, I smell stinking fish..
Do you think Westminster have a hidden Alexander agenda?
If the 'spiv' is ever sworn in as PM of an independent Scotland he will do so in the presence of the British Monarch under the fluttering Union Jack and applauded by Tories and the business community.
Like every other British prime minister before him you mean? I also recall Tony Benn swearing allegiance to the crown when taking up his seat in parliament. Surely you're not going to call him a snivelling royalist or a coward with no principles are you?
Independence and support or opposition to the monarchy have nothing to do with each other. Australia is independent but still has the monarchy. To combine the two questions would be a stupid tactic and not an accurate reflection of people's views on the independence question. I'd be quite happy to have a separate referendum on the future of the monarchy any time anyone wants to call one -though I won't hold my breath waiting for any major party and that includes yours to call one.
Before you start name calling I am and always have been in favour of scrapping the monarchy and haven't made my mind up on the question of independence.
What does concern me is that all three parties who claim to be in favour of the union have not done much to oppose independence. We'll have to disagree on Wendy Alexander's performance thus far. I was really pleased when she became leader because I thought she was a very capable, able and intelligent politician but her presentation and performance thus far has been terrible. If I'd just arrived in Scotland and had no prior knowledge of Wendy I'd think she was the village idiot.
I still rate her but she's got to get her act together. You may think 'bring it on' was a masterstroke rather than a vulgar Americanism but given that Gordon Brown refuses to back it up it looks like the leadership is in disarray. Hardly a good advert for the union.
It also appears to contradict her earlier position of focusing on the issues rather than getting bogged down in constitutional wrangling. Are all the issues sorted out now or is she just adopting random positions on the hoof?
IMO the SNP haven't done a brilliant job so far, it's just that in comparison to the terrible performances of all the opposition parties they at least look halfway competent. They're not winning the opposition is losing.
(Anonymous) 09/05/08
“Not only the lack of support, but when a Glasgow Labour MP (Robertson) attacks the Leader of Scottish Labour”
I can’t find anything about this.
If you read the comments on Glasgow Herald articles about this you will see a definite anti Salmond (the spiv) reaction from some SNP knuckle draggers, they know he buckled.
Buckled to what you cretin? Buckled to having a referendum he already agreed to have anyway?
Are you short of your medication?
It doesn't matter how many times you spout this rubbish, you still look stupid, and not only that, you make Alexander look stupid after she was smacked down by your boss Gorgon.
Jesus man you are just so dumb, even the Labour party can't agree on what she said!
(Anonymous) 15:42
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to repeat this, you cretin.
Salmond (the spiv) would have us believe that he regards Wendy Alexander as being beneath him, that doesn’t make her unique by any means, everyone is in that boat.
He states that 80 % of Scots. want an independence referendum, he struts, he swaggers etc.
Then Wendy says ‘OK big mouth lets do it’ ‘let’s sort it out, someone hold the jaikets’ And, incredibly, after all that bragging and posturing he actually says no.
What do you call it ? I say he buckled and he’s a coward, ‘Mr. Macho’ turns out to be ‘not Mucho’ Delicious !
Shockingly (for both you and me), I have to agree that Wendy Alexander's call for an referendum was a masterstroke. The SNP's selling point has always been to call for a referendum, so now that Labour are backing the call, the SNP have less attraction.
Furthermore, if it is a yes/no referendum, the polls indicate that the majority of Scots will continue to back the union, as they do so well out of it in financial terms (thanks to us English taxpayers). In the polls I have looked at, the most popular option is more powers for the Scotch parliament, but not an outright break.
This could be Wendy's Falkland Islands.
(1(Rumbold) 16:23
Please forgive the analogy but, it’s been said that a group of monkeys hammering away on type writers for enough years would reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare.
You have now given that credence, well done.
I fear you might get some flack about the English taxpayers’ crack.
Jeez - its pretty obvious that you still have no idea that you lost the election last year.
Now lets try this together....
"Which bit of Labour is no longer in power do you not understand"
Your blog is just a walking disaster, full of bile, blame and a complete lack of understanding of what modern civic Scotland is about, and where it wants to go.
A bit like the current Slab party and leadership me-thinks.
Shout and bluster all you want, but the current Government calls the shots here, not Wendy. Did you not watch last weeks FMQ's where Wendy and Nicol were sliced, diced and laid out to dry?
As for Iain Gray on Newsnight last week (where were all the rest of Slabs big hitters eh?), Brewster cut him up "from nave to chaps" with his - you have handed him, the cards, the card table and indeed the casino - quip.
It was just embarrassing to watch -in fact I remember Iain Gray from School in Inverness, a long time ago, lets just say that "Nice but Dim" is a compliment.
And as for a pro-SNP media - you spouting that crap shows what a bizarre alternative universe you live on, just look at yesterdays Herald with the "significant untruth" about the SNP support for the Tories.
I shall enjoy monitoring your blog over the next few weeks and months, in the same way that I - and almost everyone else - slows down to look at car crashes, even though you know it neither safe or clever.
(Tearlach) 16:42
The big story at the moment is Alex (the spiv) Salmond running away from Wendy even after he said that 80% of Scots. wanted a referendum.
The silence is deafening, I wonder why you missed that ?
Terry 3.30pm
The Times, 5th May
John Robertson said 'If Wendy has done this off her own bat,that is not a good thing.'
This man is a Glasgow MP and Secretary of the Scottish Westminster Labour Group and he's pleading ignorance.
I find his supposed lack of knowledge hard to believe. He is quite disgracefully hanging Wendy and her supporters out to dry.
Like Wendy and yourself, he should be saying ' Bring it on.'
You are simply shouting the wilderness, I'm afraid.
Your party are are having to toady up to all sorts of very unpleasant fellow travelers to make any sort of impact (I was going to pass on the sordid spectacle of Gordon welcoming Maggie into No 10 - but my copy of "The Red Papers on Scotland" Ed G Brown - (Oil, economics, instability, nationalism, devolution, Social Neglect, Scotland today stands at a turning point....) was making so much noise spinning on my book shelf that I could not let it' anger and hurt pass by. I wonder of you have read it BTW, indeed are are you even aware of its publication?
Now that book, and Gordon's long lost socialism, are so much ancient history, but it is fascinating to see Labour Diehards such as Brain Wilson, having to rely on the Daily Mail (yes the Daily Mail) to support his spurious arguments about Press balance in Scotland.
The Daily Mail. Good lord, the proprietor of the WHFP having to look to the Daily Mail for support for his fantasy arguments against the current Scottish consensus says it all.
BTW - does anyone take the WHFP seriously these days? Its looking increasingly anachronistic in the modern Highlands and Islands, unable to recognise that the it, and its views represent the "landlords" of the 21st Century.
A sad lost man, quite sad indeed.
A bit like yourself.
No the big story of the moment is not the opposition failing to realise that the Government - not them - is in charge, and a referendum will be called when the Government thinks its appropriate (with the full support of the Labour party after Wendy's complete capitulation last week), but of the complete collapse of any meaningful opposition in Scotland.
That - like you - is sad, very sad.
Having, to my delight - just discovered your blog - and then spent a hilarious couple of hours looking at the comments to your frankly totally bizarre postings on life, the universe and everything (I can only congratulate you on your single mindedness to both post all comments people post in reply to your wittering's, and for you to to reply to them all! Well done!) I then turned to your bio.
And discovered that your favorite book is Orwell's Homage to Catalonia!
Oh the delicious irony, the almost 1984ish fantasy in someone professing to love a particular book which notes that:-
"I saw newspapers reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even even the relationship which is implied in n ordinary lie.... and I saw Newspapers in London retailing those lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that never happened."
Now I'm sure that you would be rightly offended if I hinted that you were an intellectual, but perhaps you might just want to reflect on your hero Orwell's words, and the doublethink that is your car crash of a blog....
The big story at the momment Terry is that "WENDY ALEXANDER WAS LAST NIGHT FORCED INTO A HUMILIATING CLIMBDOWN over her call last week for an early referendum on Scottish independence."
" Labour's Holyrood leader yesterday appeared to ditch her new-found support for an immediate referendum and backed away from supporting one. The U-turn points to prime minister Gordon Brown "having read the riot act" to Alexander and overruling her on the issue of a fast-tracked poll, opting for a barely credible show of unity rather than a split between Edinburgh and London."
Any thoughts?
I think we need to clarify. YOU are complaining, whining and attacking the SNP because they are STICKING to MANIFESTO PLEDGES?
Forget what that idiot Alexander has said and forced Brown into agreeing with as a damage limitation exercise, you are complaining about the SNP sticking to their pledges.
So you wouldn't complain if they broke their pledges?
"Please forgive the analogy but, it’s been said that a group of monkeys hammering away on type writers for enough years would reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare."
I was expecting something ruder.
I notice that you have not posted my last two comments.....
It may be that you have a life, and are out and about, or perhaps focusing on the needs of your constituents this Sunday.
If so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and look forward to seeing them on your blog.
If not, well at worst simple censorship and at best always wanting the to have the last word in any thread (which as its your blog is quite allowable!)but post my comments and lets see your riposte.
Oh - by the way - I'm looking forward to your take the turmoil evident across all parts of the Labour party today. A U turn on a U turn.
You could not make this stuff up.
Oh dear, I will have to stop laughing before I wet myself.
Incapability Brown does a runner on Wendy and she is forced by London Labour to u-turn on her u-turn. oh well I suppose she will have more time to apply her great intellect into helping the poor disposed and vulnerable in her constituency.
theres a first time for everything.
It never rains but it pours.........
Where do you stand on Henry Mcleish, Councillor?
I ask because Henry is also having a pop at Wendy's handling of the referendum vote.
(Anonymous) 10/05/08
I doubt if Wendy will be all that worried about him.
He will know now that she has the support of all her MSP’s anyway. Not everyone counts to ten before speaking to the press he should learn that.
(Anonymous) 10/05/08
I doubt if Wendy will be all that worried about him.
He will know now that she has the support of all her MSP’s anyway. Not everyone counts to ten before speaking to the press he should learn that.
Hilarious. You are whining and crying like a bitch over the SNP saying Scotland wants independence, and how Scottish Labour supports the Union, then denigrate and dismiss out of hand a senior Labour SCOTTISH WESTMINSTER POLITICIAN.
Sometimes Kelly, you outdo even yourself.
tearich - Sat May 10 2008 9.24 pm.
Please make it shorter, this isn't primary school.
Remind us please who put her in No. 10 - Who is proposing now, a partnership with the Tories ?
The following happened last week :-
Wendy to Salmond (the spiv) “OK big mouth lets have that referendum right now” Salmond (the spiv) “ no I want to wait for 3 Yrs” Brilliant.
Today’s quote, “the SNP colour is yellow and now we know why” (Wendy Alexander) Brilliant.
(Tearlach) 10/05/08
I only have so much patience, make this dross shorter.
Orwell is not my hero but Homage to Catalonia is a great book.
(Tearlach) 10/05/08
Much better but still too long.
Wendy has not ditched her call for a referendum.
(Anthony P) 10/05/08
Salmond (the spiv) goes around boasting that 80 % of Scots want a referendum.
Wendy says OK let’s do it, Salmond (the spiv) says no.
I just love writing it down. “the SNP colour is yellow, now we know why” (Wendy Alexander) Brilliant.
The SNP of course don't break pledges do they? 1,000 cops ! Student debt ! money for first time house buyers ! get a grip.
(Rumbold) 15:30
Not for the first time you have me baffled.
(Tearlach) 16:14
I don’t censure anything that’s printable know matter how puerile. Hence your comments appear.
Today is just another day for the Labour Party and Wendy what’s new ? It's the Scottish press after all, the dullards who couldn't cut it in London.
Last week Wendy challenged Alex (the spiv) to put up or shut up and he chose the latter, Brilliant.
(Anonymous) 16:38
Wendy called Salmond (the spiv’s) bluff and he blinked, if he could fight like he can talk eh !
Today’s quote - “the SNP colour is yellow, now we know why” (Wendy Alexander)
(Macnasty) 17:04
He is a familiar political figure, all parties have them. Out in the cold, bitter, resentful.
Think Ted Heath, Jim Sillars, Margo McDonald etc.
(Ben) 17:51
I can’t see much meaning in this post.
He’s such a “senior Labour Scottish Westminster Politician” that I had to look him up !
And you are a not very bright are you ?
Are you Bill’s brother ?
Kelly to Ben @ 6.34
You really 'had to look up' John Robertson, Labour MP for Glasgow N.W., since November, 2000 and Hon Sec. of the Scottish PLP?
I believe you, but thousands might not, including Mr Robertson and most of Glasgow Labour Party.
Anthony P) 10/05/08
Salmond (the spiv) goes around boasting that 80 % of Scots want a referendum.
Wendy says OK let’s do it, Salmond (the spiv) says no.
I just love writing it down. “the SNP colour is yellow, now we know why” (Wendy Alexander) Brilliant.
The SNP of course don't break pledges do they? 1,000 cops ! Student debt ! money for first time house buyers ! get a grip.
So you attack the SNP when they want and do stick to manifesto pledges, then attack the SNP when you allege they don't stick to pledges?
Do you not see how much of a moron you are making yourself look with this idiocy?
I know a few things, not much but a few...hint hint. Alexander stuffed you over a few comments you made and treated you like dirt, and now she has done the same you sniff round her like a dog waiting to be petted. Grow some backbone.
He’s such a “senior Labour Scottish Westminster Politician” that I had to look him up !
And you are a not very bright are you ?
Are you Bill’s brother ?
He's a Minister and you a minor councillor in a minority council, so I'm not surprised you had to look him up.
I didn't because I am a Labour activist and know the senior figures in the party as we all should.
"....applauded by the Tories.......". You can't be seriously suggesting that the Conservatives would welcome the break-up of the UK?
If Labour are serious about a straight 'yes or no' question being put now, why did they not call at the same time for the suspension of the Calman Commission, which could be re-opened should the people decide to stick with Devolution?
You had a few 'warm' words to say about Henry McLeish, but surely he is correct when he says that the Commission has now been marginalised?
I also note that McLeish resigned after failing to register certain funds paid to his office. I'm sure you're glad that sort of thing doesn't go on any more (the resigning bit, I mean).
(Macnasty) 11/05/08
Should I worry about you believing me ? I checked with 6 labour members, 3 knew who he was.
Trying to turn this into an issue is a bit desperate.
(Anthony P) 11/05/08
If Alex (the spiv) thought he could win a referendum would he go for it now ? difficult one eh ? His bluff was called and he bottled it, the colour yellow suits him and the SNP just fine.
Do you mean backbone like yours from your hiding place ?
(Ben) 11/05/08
3 out of 6 of my Labour colleagues didn’t know him. I don’t believe you are a Labour activist, the party would never sink to that depth. Tell Bill I was asking for him.
(Anthony P) 11/05/08
If Alex (the spiv) thought he could win a referendum would he go for it now ? difficult one eh ? His bluff was called and he bottled it, the colour yellow suits him and the SNP just fine.
Do you mean backbone like yours from your hiding place ?
If Salmond had offered a referendum now, and said it was now to be 2010, then yes, he would be bluffing and his bluff would have been called, but he didn't did he?
His commitment is to bring forward legislation for a referendum in 2010, that is what he said, that is what he pledged, that is what he is still pledging.
More medication may help you understand these very simple facts.
(Ben) 11/05/08
3 out of 6 of my Labour colleagues didn’t know him. I don’t believe you are a Labour activist, the party would never sink to that depth. Tell Bill I was asking for him.
It then goes to show the parlous state of Labour in your area when you have never heard of a local sitting MP who has been in his job for a considerable time, and is a senior member of the Labour party.
Very sad and symptomatic of Labour in Glasgow.
Terry @ 2.38
Re your replies to Mcnasty & Ben:
You're telling us, your loyal readers, that four out of seven (including you) Renfrew Labour councillors, hadn't heard of John Robertson, a Glasgow Labour MP for the past eight years?
Altogether now lads:
'We are Fred Karno's army,
We sit for Labour seats......'
(Anonymous) 11/05/08
Alex (the spiv) Salmond was challenged to put up or shut up and he shut up, that’s what happened, Wendy called his bluff and he blinked. Absolutely priceless, there are few things sweeter than seeing a bully back down.
(chris andrews) 12:26
The SNP Tories ! Remember who brought Thatcher to power who joined a coalition with the Tories in Renfrewshire, who is now advocating a pact with the Tories at Westminster.
Would Salmond (the spiv) go for a referendum right now if he thought he could win it ? Or is he too honourable ? I know it’s a laughable question.
He ran away from the challenge because he is a coward and a liar.
(Anthony P) 15:04
Or to put it another way, and to clarify what you are saying, Alex (the spiv) Salmond is too honourable to change the timing of a referendum even if he thought he could win it.
He must have something pretty important on you !
(Ben) 15:06
Clutching at straws here Ben, let Bill have a go, Labour activist my Jim Royle, not very subtle are you ?
(Anonymous) 15:39
This is desperation, it’s not a story.
Try asking people to name SNP MSP’s outwith Salmond (the spiv) and Sturgeon and see how you get on.
History records, and you failed to mention, that more Liberal mps voted to bring down the Callaghan Government than SNP. Never seemed to stop Labour working with them in Holyrood.
Add to that Gerry Fitt, who abstained in that vote. I assume you also condemn him (a brave man and committed socialist) for bringing Mrs Thatcher to power?
To answer your questions. Yes, I believe Salmond would have a referendum tomorrow if he thought he'd win it and no, I don't think Salmond puts what's honourable at the top of his priorities.
Now I've answered your questions. could I have your response to my questions re. Calman?
Anthony P) 15:04
Or to put it another way, and to clarify what you are saying, Alex (the spiv) Salmond is too honourable to change the timing of a referendum even if he thought he could win it.
He must have something pretty important on you !
All irrelevancies because he hasn't changed the timing, and hasn't backed down from holding one.
Are you feeling alright? You don't seem to understand simple English and simple facts.
What's made you change your mind then? If Labour felt to strongly about a referendum, why didn't they hold one when they were in power?
(Ben) 15:06
Clutching at straws here Ben, let Bill have a go, Labour activist my Jim Royle, not very subtle are you ?
It shows what a sad and sorry specimen you are as a member of the party when you choose to abuse me for KNOWING our MP's and senior members, and because you don't.
The sooner you wise up you idiot the sooner we can start the fight back.
This is desperation, it’s not a story.
Try asking people to name SNP MSP’s outwith Salmond (the spiv) and Sturgeon and see how you get on.
People may not know, but members of their party should.
You seem to have posted a reply to my last comment, but not the comment itself....
And its Tearlach BTW not Tearich, if you are happier in the English, try Charles.
I've noticed a few Slab apologists trying to divert attention away from their current problems by highlighting the disaster they caused back in 1979.
I was there - I was on the streets of Glasgow trying to get people out to vote, when the Labour Party sat on their hands and refused to get their activities out to the polls, so that a rigged poll, failed through simple gerrymandering.
Gerrymandering by a sitting Labour MP.
All this on top of a years of complete crisis, and a deeply unpopular government - even amongst their core voters - aye the folk who voted in Thatcher.
To say that the SNP's vote of no confidence was the cause of eighteen years of Thatcher-ism is to show your a) complete ignorance of history, or b) your complete ignoring of history.
The Labour party of 1974 to 1979 - by their actions and complete incompetence left Scotland out to be completely eviscerated by Thatcher. I wonder how Scotland would have been different if the 1979 Assembly had been in place to shield us from her excesses.
Your fault entirely.
"Stir in the right wing budget"
Sure, apart from basing a budget on thatcherite trickle down ecconomics, its not a right wing budget.
Still, at least they haven't based the financing of re-building and maintainance of our public service buildings on an old conservative policy like your comrades in the New Labour party did with PFI/PPP. Which reminds me, you didn't answer my questions properly a couple of weeks ago about the black hole in Renfrewshire Councils finances...
On this issue I find myself in utmost agreement with you, but perhaps your beginning to overlook one vital cog in the machine.
People tire of constant bickering between rival factions.
There are two almost forgotten words in Scotland. Words that seemed never to return.
Yet these constant attacks between Labour and the S.N.P. could well herald their dramatic return, as voters, look toward them for no other reason than "change"
And what are those two words of which I speak?
The Tories....
So anything that business supports is automatically bad then?
And is it not the case that what Wendy did was bring before Parliament a proposal that the SNP are already pursuing? And in that case her action is already out of order because the executive already has exclusivity on that policy through parliamentary convention?
At least that is what all the papers and commentators are saying this weekend. So instead of “running away” what has actually happened is that Wendy has been slapped down for wasting time?
(chris andrews) 12/05/08
The SNP gave us Thatcher no amount of trying to rewrite history can change that, that’s why they were banished for years by the Scottish people.
Calman ? Will go ahead and inform the debate, why shouldn’t it. I have no fears about what they will come up with, if they are honest and wise they will kick out independence.
(Anthony P) 12/05/08
“hasn't backed down from holding one” yes he has he was offered a referendum by Wendy Alexander and he backed down. He’s a coward and a liar.
The SNP gave us Thatcher no amount of trying to rewrite history can change that,
Erm? Wasn't she a Conservative?
who succesfully won 3 UK General elections, winning massive majorities across England?
no amount of trying to rewrite history can change that
See the bit above about her being a conservative with a massive majority in England...
he was offered a referendum by Wendy Alexander and he backed down. He’s a coward and a liar.
He's neither, but you are proving yourself to be both an idiot and a liar.
Bendy Wendy challenged the first minister to bring forward the planned referendum to suit her timetable. He declined, stating that he'll stick with the SNP manifesto pledge to hold a referendum in 2010, although her support for giving the choice to the people of Scotland has been acknowledged, at least in Scotland, if not Downing street.
(Ben) 12/05/08
You are trying to make an argument out of nothing, it’s pathetic.
I would prefer it if you did not use the word ‘we’ in relation to me.
(Anonymous) 12/05/08
Don’t bother asking their party members I’ve already done so and they struggled, some said Winnie Ewing, more said Margo McDonald. One said Mel Gibson.
(Allan) 12/05/08
It is a right wing budget and the Council Tax freeze scam is already being paid for by the poor, the elderly, the schoolchildren etc.
Talking about a ‘black hole’ in Renfrewshire Council’s finances is meaningless, explain what you mean.
(Reversepsycology) 13/05/08
You are too late they are in power in Holyrood.
(ShrekBall) 08:41
“So anything that business supports is automatically bad then” No.
Salmond (the spiv) who has been bragging about how popular independence is, was challenged to go for it by Wendy and he froze, like a rabbit caught in the headlights of a car, he backed down, them’s the facts or, to quote the old Ayrshire plagiarist “facts are chiels that winna ding”
(The Incorrigible Plagiarist) 09:41
The SNP betrayed the Scottish people and gave us Thatcher and ‘Thatcherism’ still referred to as ‘Scotland’s shame’ SNP/Tory coalition in Renfrewshire, still referred to as ‘Renfrewshire’s shame’ and coming up shortly as advocated by Salmond (the spiv) will be the SNP/Tory pact at Westminster, ‘Scotland’s shame ‘the sequel’
There is nothing sweeter than seeing a blustering sneering bully being challenged and watching his nerve fail him.
That is what happened.
(Anonymous) 12/05/08
I feel the pain of the real SNP old guard who can’t stand Salmond (the spiv) they have just witnessed what they knew would come about, he bottled it.
He’s a shallow seller of tartan jerseys and a coward.
Then why would it be a bad thing to be cheered on by business?
(ShrekBall) 13:33
Being cheered on by those mentioned would underline their right wing credentials, that would please some people as well as you.
Terry, my original post, 9th May @ 7.52 expressed suprise at the lack of support in Westminster for you and Wendy on the vote.
The later combination of her havering and you making a dogs breakfast of your replies to posts makes the lack of support understandable.
I'm disappointed in you both
John Robertson MP, the guy you had to look up and who the majority of your Labour colleagues on Renfreshire Council had never heard of.....didn't he introduce Wendy at Conference???
Does that help you place him??
So what you are saying is that business is a right-wing only domain? So by that same thought the left are against business?
(Anonymous) 13/05/08
Wendy asked Salmond (the spiv) to have his referendum and he backed down there is no other way of saying it,.
I’m disappointed at receiving this drivel.
(Macnasty) 13/05/08
I saw him introduce Wendy but missed the start and I didn’t know who he was, is there a point to this ?
Is this the best you can do ?
(ShrekBall) 15:19
Kelly @ 6.14
Kelly, this just gets better and better.
John Robertson MP, introduced Wendy at conference, but as you 'missed the start,' you didn't know who he was.
Presumably your Labour colleagues on Renfrew council also missed the start, as they couldn't place him either.
This raises three points,(1) what were you doing that was more important than the Leaderene's speech (2) Does the Labour conference not run to programmes 3) Is it normal for the Leader to be introduced by a nonentity who no one recognises and who's name Councillor Kelly and the rest of the Renfrew comrades can't even be bothered to find out
(Macnasty) 14/05/08
I wasn’t at conference and I don’t even remember when I caught the speech on TV. You are not making any sense, is there a point to this ?
So now I am confused.
You attempt to insult the Nats buy claiming that they will be applauded by Tories and business (association of the two terms - an accepted literary device) but that you now claim that there is nothing wrong with business?
Are you taking advice from Wendy as to how to reconcile two contradictory positions at once?
We have always been at war with Eurasia!!!
(ShrekBall) 15/05/08
Nothing in your first para. Is true. Stop making things up, I’m getting fed up with you.
It is no fun when we let you get your own way is it?
Maybe if you tried thinking through your insults people would not get you tied in knots trying to explain that when you meant to insult the Nationalists you did not mean to imply that business is bad.
Perhaps you would care to alter the original story now to make this clear?
(ShrekBall) 13:02
The original is perfectly clear I did not say business is bad.
So what then did you mean by "applauded by Tories and the business community."?
(ShrekBall) 14:10
The people he pandered to in his budget.
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