Thursday, May 01, 2014


09.30 am May 1st 2014 and Renfrewshire Council meets for it’s regular cabaret as officers and councillors shuffle in, most rather self consciously because proceedings are now being filmed. Everyone apart from the snp members wondered what the snp stunt or stunts would be this time, snp stunts and disruptions are now firmly back in favour for the cameras, a few of them see themselves as Mel Gibson, it’s only a matter of time before we see them growing bushy beards and painting themselves blue and that includes the men as well.
 We did not have long to wait for stunt number one, this took the form of an attempt to move two mythical emergency motions before anything else had started, both were predictably rejected and then came Stunt number two which was a walk out in high dudgeon while displaying synthetic rage, it looked rather similar to the ‘march of the Siamese children’ from The King and I.
This meant that the snp chose their infantile stunt rather than holding the council to account. Items on the agenda which clearly were not important enough for them were things like the request for a council donation for a memorial to steel workers who had been killed at work, plans to commemorate WW1 and support for the armed forces community got binned as well. Dead workers, dead soldiers and soldiers who have problems after serving therefore did not gain any sympathy or even a mention from the snp.

Among the snp motions which they themselves scrapped were how we can better help young carers who sometimes have problems balancing their school attendance and punctuality with their caring duties, and an attack on Labour for supporting a welfare cap, this one was nonsense but we were all looking forward to seeing how they would go about this in the light of the snp leader and first minister alex (del boy) salmond also saying that he supported a cap on welfare, the famous snp Janus face on show again. The creation of more jobs from tourism was also unceremoniously dumped by the snp absconders as well. A couple of spurious emergency motions for the cameras it seems were far more important to the snp than all these other things. This is of course desperate and deplorable behaviour from snp councillors who again showed their contempt for the people of Renfrewshire. Meanwhile Labour as always got on with business which was quicker than usual as there was no snp posturing or disruption to take up our time. Approximately £5,000 was saved of tax payer’s money as well because the snp were not there to extend the meeting with their awful behaviour which cut out about 3 hours which is usually added on as they think nothing of wasting tax payers money to grab themselves publicity.  A bad day for the snp and a good day for the Renfrewshire tax payer.                


Byeck said...

'Dead soldiers and soldiers who have problems after serving did not gain sympathy from the SNP.'

This, from a man who adamantly refuses to buy a Remembrance Day poppy!

Kelly, you always were a b******g hypocrite, but using dead and injured servicemen to score a political point, is shameful, even by your abysmal standards of morality.

Anonymous said...

nonsked necessarilyI take it you are a real labour councillor and this is not a satirical site what with the rather odd perspective that people in Scotland who vote SNP, many of whom you must know, went to school with etc. and yet have somehow upset you and are 'tartan shirts' or support fascism.

This is a kindergarten style of rhetoric at best.

You even add to this slur further by stating people who vote for a left of centre party (in comparison to labour-google it) are akin to 'Moselely's Blackshirts', this is childish and untrue.

People such as yourself simplify (or perhaps struggle to understand) that those voting Yes or who have voted for the SNP are from a wide range of backgrounds-and they are democratic and socialist, far more than the labour party which many of us used to vote for.

If you think people are commenting anonymously and are 'evil cybernates' then make a Facebook link available though i don't think I will be back.


Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Thursday, May 01, 2014 11:48:00 pm.

I am as real a Labour councillor as you are an snp/separatist/cybernat who is pathetically trying to sound reasonable. The snp have a tendency toward racism in relation to our English neighbours, that as others have found before brings them can bring a measure of success because some people buy the poison that they spread, some people need someone to blame, for the Nazis it was the Jews for the snp it’s the English. There is no doubt in my mind that if Scotland were to separate from the UK it would suffer badly and since there would be no English to blame the nationalists would find someone else. Probably someone with a different colour of skin or a different accent like the Irish or the Polish community would become the enemy within. If you look at their behaviour and their history you will see the parallels with various groups, you will note that the snp campaigned to appease Hitler and the Nazis during World War 2 and as recently as last summer they were marching shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of Flemish Nazis who had come to join them in Edinburgh. You might think this is nothing to worry about but I don’t. I don’t regard people who vote for a left of centre party as fascists and the snp is no left of centre party, they are a single issue mob who are amoral and apolitical, they believe in nothing save independence and they care for even less. Nationalist are not and never will be Socialists.
They have a sizable bunch of thugs and bullies attached to them who are kept at fever pitch by the snp’s squalid leaders and they have excuses made for them and their behaviour by people like you who are worse than they are for lying about them and denying their existence. You will see in my opinion what I describe as the “tartanshirts” in all their awfulness when they lose the referendum, I speak from experience as I have been opposing them for over 40 years and I have been attacked, abused and spat upon by them and my family have been targeted by them as well.

Here is the great Marxist German Playright Bertolt Brecht on the defeat of Hitler and fascism, from his play, ‘The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui’.
“Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men. For though the world has stood up and stopped the bastard, the bitch that bore him is in heat again”.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Byeck said...Thursday, May 01, 2014 7:16:00 pm.

I refuse to wear a poppy because I don't believe that service personnel who are injured should have to rely on charity. Lot's of people wear them because they want to be seen as patriotic, I find that stomach churning.

Byeck said...

Kelly @ 16.00
And the last Remembrance Day service you attended, was when, Councillor?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous Byeck said...Friday, May 02, 2014 4:17:00 pm.

I never have attended and I have no intention of ever doing so, I have a deep aversion to hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

from what i have just read, it would appear that you come across as the intolerant one, sir.

peter mccreadie

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Saturday, May 03, 2014 3:18:00 am

Do you intend to say why you regard what I have to say as 'intolerant'?.

Is there any point in posting if you don't?.

Anonymous said...

Your crazy ranting about 'SNP' racism is the most ignorant piece of nonsense I have ever read.

My mum and dad are from the Hebrides, although I was born in Glasgow my brother and sister were both born in Corby Northants (that is in England) both now live in Scotland.

Both are Yes supporters-are you going to call them 'racists' against English people as they are Yes supporters and have both voted SNP (previously labour in the days it had intelligent people in it rather than scraping the barrel as they have to now-you being a magnificent example of that).

I think you are a complete liar about this amazing 'suffering' you claim to have had due to your belligerent idiotic claims.

Since you come across as an exceptionally simple minded (and corny) person with your ludicrous claims of racism (as well as being fictitious you use the term incorrectly): you don't even know that being born in England or Scotland does not mean you can be attributed as being of the 'English race' or 'Scottish race' and I am absolutely astonished that a swivel eyed loon such as yourself is payed through the public purse to launch nasty attacks on decent people.

My dad was Independently minded, he joined the British army (he was from Uist) and he followed a family tradition of doing so-I see you use pejorative terms towards the thousands of people like him who were injured in Aden pretending that only buffoons like yourself have ever joined the British army, although I am sure you wouldn't have had the bottle to do so as you come across as quite cowardly.

You are the typical example of the worst type of 'nationalist' a gung ho confused british nationalist. You cannot in any manner claim to support or understand socialism, (and at this time neither can the labour party), and nobody needs to take my word for it-I used to be branch secretary for a large union in Lothian, and most of the people in that union were the traditional labour supporters and socialists (like I was) and not one of them would describe Labour as a socialist party.


Anonymous said...

You should perhaps read this instead of insisting as coming across like a less bright ukip councillor:


Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Saturday, May 03, 2014 2:23:00 pm.

I'm not really concerned about where your family came from, that's something that motivates nationalists not me. I don't know how you conclude that I called you or any other individual anything, my remarks are directed at the snp Party not the individuals in it, I am saying that I could not in all conscience have anything to do with the snp because of what I know about them and what I have witnessed over 40 years of opposing them, if you think their history and behaviour is OK then that is a matter for you.

I am no admirer of the British Army but again that is not directed at individuals who are or were in it, my own father and all my uncles were in it and fought in WW2.

As far as me being "cowardly" is concerned I would point out that I am very easy to find and unlike you I do not hide behind anonymity, who is the coward here, me or you?.

If you want to reply to this, I would urge you not be insulting as you have been with your post this time, I have no time for that and if you do it again you will not be printed.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Saturday, May 03, 2014 2:43:00 pm.

And here is the details you require if you want to make a complaint to the Standards Commission.

Standards Commission for Scotland
Room T2.21, Scottish Parliament
Edinburgh EH99 1SP

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, wonderful story, of how this land will be, under the greatest Scotsman ever to live, the esteemed Alex Salmond.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Mr terry - the daily mail eh? Hard to tell if the articles are spoofs or not and isn't it nice to see a labour person admire the daily mail as most left wing journalists and blogs believe it to be the worst baiting right wing tome out there-any port in a storm for you I suppose.

If you wandered outside your 1970's labour shed into the garden of real life you would see that on social media ordinary people (not necessarily SNP or Yes supporters) look upon those badly written articles as a big joke and an insult to the intellect.

Boast away though.

I only told you where my family were from was to demonstrate they come from England and yet you used weasel words stating that people who are in the SNP (including at least one English born Minister that I know of) are 'anti English.

To pretend that only 'nationalists' mention where they come from sounds quite strange especially from a gung ho british nationalist and right winger like yourself.


Angus MacRuary

Anonymous said...

I note that you don't like being likened to a ukip politician (as you cite the daily mail!) -you think it is an 'insult' and yet you tar ordinary Scots with being need to get a grip and behave like someone who is payed from the public purse to represent a wide variety of people from different political backgrounds and to learn to behave appropriately.

Angus MacRuary

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Sunday, May 04, 2014 5:11:00 pm.
Anonymous said...

Convoluted article, but it finishes with disaster for Scotland under separation.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Angus MacRuary Monday, May 05, 2014 9:55:00 am.

I am no admirer of the Daily Mail but I would have thought that someone like you would have a soft spot for it considering that along with the snp it was a supporter of Hitler and the Nazis in WW2.

I read the Daily mail, the Telegraph, The Scottish Daily Express and the Times among other papers because like 'Don Corleone' I like to "keep my friends close and my enemies closer".

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Angus MacRuary
Monday, May 05, 2014 9:59:00 am.

The Daily Mail and the snp are bedfellows and have been since they both campaigned to appease Hitler and the Nazis in WW2.

"learn to behave appropriately"

This comment comes from someone who is a proven liar, he started posting on the Herald comments page as a 'wide eyed' neutral and within a short time he had become one of the most rabid snp/separatist/cybernat thugs around. That was either a "Damascene conversion" or a clumsy and malevolent lie and I say it was the latter. Apart from anything else it makes you wonder what the standard of political discourse is like on the Isle of Skye where he claims to come from, when he thought that people here on the 'mainland' could be so easily fooled. Teuchters eh? ken?.

Anonymous said...

Why are you so angry Terry?


Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Tuesday, May 06, 2014 11:36:00 am

How much time have you got?.

Anonymous said...

It's not healthy. You need to relax and come to terms with whatever it is that makes you so angry and obviously unhappy. It seems that you use the SNP as a psychological tool to hide some repressed emotions. Let go Terry! Be a happy and peaceful person.


Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Unlike people like you I prefer anger to cowardice and I will continue to,

"fan the flames of discontent" (I.W.W.

Anonymous said...

SNP's new campaign slogan "We've got what it takes" harks me back to when my wife and I were anxious parents potty training our children. We hope that "it" is not another case of dueling oligarchs similar to the Russia Oil Industry, or Putin and Bonnie Prince Charlie's naivete when it comes to invading their neighbors. The presumption is that the SNP comes with a plan instead of fear, ignorance and divisions, pray tell……… Arthur Kelly Chicago/Craigneuk

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

The plan Arthur seems destined to be "cunning" like Private Baldrick's in Blackadder.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

The plan Arthur seems destined to be "cunning" like Private Baldrick's in Blackadder.

Anonymous said...

I think your presumption that there is only one Angus MacRuary in all of Scotland shows your ignorance in that you jumped right in to launch a bizarre attack upon someone else's character with no evidence to back it up whatsoever..

I am not a member of the Herald commentaries section.

My dad voted SNP (occasionally Labour in UK elections in the '80') sand wished for Independence for Scotland and yet was also a soldier in the British Army where he fought at Aden..........

Your slur that he supported a right wing party, is ironic and untrue, he clearly saw (as we all have) Labour's move to the right during the Blair era which continues due to their agenda being set by ukip and tory policies, particularly on immigration.

My dad thought labour was in general a good political party (as did I-I have voted Labour in the past) but he believed the labour party had sold its principles to a less inclusive and less socialist political outlook and many people in Scotland see that which is why Labour have declined here in recent years in both power and influence.

A good thing when I read what one of their representatives has to say that being (yourself) and the way he conducts himself.

I thought it was the Sunday Herald that has backed Yes publicly, must have missed the Daily Mail backing...........

I know that recently Jim Murphy of Labour has penned several uninformative articles in the Daily Mail as has Labour MSP Kesla Dugdale right on the Daily Mail editorial policy of hatred towards the Yes Campaign and as ever the SNP.

You do realise the Daily Mail, almost 'Daily' has an anti SNP story on its front page so isn't it a spurious claim to pretend the two are pals like those in the Labour party?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Friday, May 09, 2014 6:12:00 pm

Quite a coincidence there, not only do you have the same name as him which is an unusual name to me but judging by what you have to say you sound just like him as well. How can I accuse your father of supporting a right wing party when I don’t know anything about him where did I do that?.
“Your slur that he supported a right wing party, is ironic and untrue, he clearly saw (as we all have)”
Who are “we” and what gives you the right to speak for anyone, you certainly seem to be the same Angus McRuary from Skye that’s exactly the kind of arrogant drivel that he spouts. I’m not much bothered by what your dad thought or you, I know an underhand opponent when I see one. I have been elected at four straight elections so I am happy with my conduct.
You have said nothing whatsoever to convince me that you are not the same pompous arrogant Angus MacRuary from Skye who writes to the Herald quite the opposite.

Anonymous said...

Vote brave heart, vote Salmond, vote SNP

Anonymous said...

The SNP student leader shows his racist spots.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Monday, May 12, 2014 1:03:00 pm.

A possible culture minister in salmond's government by the sound of her.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:14:00 pm

"Vote brave heart, vote Salmond, vote SNP"

And give the world a great laugh.

Anonymous said...

Vote Labour and see your local care home shut down and your council houses sold off.

Renfrewshire's shame.


Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Tuesday, May 13, 2014 3:33:00 am.

If you are referring to Hunterhill you are getting this wrong, it is not closing. And the sale of council houses is in the process of being stopped, I would be quite happy to tell you the truth about these matters if you want me to, some people are spreading lies about this. The policy of Renfrewshire Council in respect of elderly care is the one set out by the snp Scottish Government, if you don't like it you should avoid voting snp.

Mo said...

However some Labour folk, who abandoned their principles, did buy their council houses - didn't they Terry?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Mo said...Saturday, May 17, 2014 6:21:00 pm.

There certainly were Labour folk who bought their council houses Mo, as did people of all political parties and none, This was a battle which Mrs. Thatcher won by a landslide. I get the feeling you want to say something more about this?.

Anonymous said...

RLL employees are facing massive wage cuts, some even facing cuts of over £6,000.

spurious ?

Eh I would have thought this would have been a rather serious matter that the council should have discussed

I am sure the RLL employees are thankful the the SNP tried to help them

I am also sure they will find your classification of their issue as spurious quite insulting


Anonymous said...

You say "I didn't say that........" or "You are the same Angus MacRuary from Skye because blether blether blah blah...."-well, like most of your tired assertions you are wrong.

A bit odd to ignore my true points about the current woeful state of labour (exemplified by the likes of you) and the fact that I and many others used to vote for this party in the past when they had principles and represented Scotland's interests at westminster-but those days are gone now eh?

And that obviously makes you very very angry.

No need to be hateful towards those who exercise their democratic right to not vote labour as we in Scotland have demonstrated big style in recent years.

I am not from Skye, (I was born in Partick) and my dad was from Benbecula, my mother from Vatersay-haven't been to the Northern part of the western isles except to pass through when driving to the southern part of the Wesrern isles.

You depend hilariously upon calling people a liar based on your narrow simplistic slightly right wing view of life-I am the only Angus MacRuary in Scotland because that suits you and your chance to pretend that you are somehow a normal person when your viewpoint is objectionable, opinionated and ultimately living in some '70's labour dreamworld.

I know that you find that complicated, but then I imagine from your rhetoric and your predisposition to call people who use their democratic vote 'nazis' (or liken them to some right wing association that best describes british labour) simply because they don't vote for woeful labour anymore is simply a sour grapes type of thing.

When we vote Yes on September 18 we will get the Government we vote for in 2016, and I believe that labour will find themselves in an alienated position as far as voter trust in Scotland will stand for many years so thank yourself for that.

Scotland having a Tory government it didn't vote for at westminster may suit you but I am afraid that it doesn't suit many many Scots with a vote in the referendum and that will be the downfall of the increasingly nasty no campaign.

Byeck said...

Kelly, stop pussy footing round the issue...Have you bought a council house...any council house?

Anonymous said...

I thought you were really upset at words like 'drivel' being used to describe your outpourings?

Ok for you though as you make up your wee stories and rant away?

You come across as a very sad and lonely individual, the quality of your remarks is severely lacking in detail or realism.

Goodbye Terry, let us hope you can have a grown up conversation some day where you don't blame democracy and a better political
choice for labour's deserved demise.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said..Sunday, May 18, 2014 3:44:00 pm.

"You come across as a very sad and lonely individual"

You might think that if you think at all but, at least I'm not anonymous am I?, ken?.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Byeck said...Sunday, May 18, 2014 3:44:00 pm.

I think I might know who Mo. is and I would like her to get back and elaborate on her post. If she does I will discuss it with her and you can read that. If she doesn't in a couple of days I will answer you.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...
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Cllr Terry Kelly said...
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Cllr Terry Kelly said...
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Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said..Sunday, May 18, 2014 3:39:00 pm

“A bit odd to ignore my true points”
Your points are not true because you say so.
“No need to be hateful”
I am not hateful, you sound a wee bit precious though. Is the heat in the kitchen getting to you?
“I am not from Skye”
If you are not the same Angus MacRuary that simply means that there are two snp supporting idiots called Angus McRuary who have very similar opinions and share the same arrogance.
“your predisposition to call people who use their democratic vote 'nazis'”
Now that’s not true Angus is it?, you are unravelling, I say there are Nazis, fascists and right wing racists abroad in Scotland and the snp/separate/cybernats have their share of them, it seems as if that cap fits you by your reaction.
“Scotland having a Tory government it didn't vote for”
Much as I despise the Tories, I despise liars even more and anyone who says that Scotland did not vote for the present Tory led government is either a liar or a fool or in your case perhaps both. The present UK government were elected in a UK election, Scotland is part of the UK ‘ergo’ ‘we’ The voters of the UK including that part of the UK known as Scotland elected them. If you intend to reply would you please consider putting a bit more thought in to it.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said..Sunday, May 18, 2014 3:39:00 pm

“A bit odd to ignore my true points”
Your points are not true because you say so.
“No need to be hateful”
I am not hateful, you sound a wee bit precious though. Is the heat in the kitchen getting to you?
“I am not from Skye”
If you are not the same Angus MacRuary that simply means that there are two snp supporting idiots called Angus McRuary who have very similar opinions and share the same arrogance.
“your predisposition to call people who use their democratic vote 'nazis'”
Now that’s not true Angus is it?, you are unravelling, I say there are Nazis, fascists and right wing racists abroad in Scotland and the snp/separate/cybernats have their share of them, it seems as if that cap fits you by your reaction.
“Scotland having a Tory government it didn't vote for”
Much as I despise the Tories, I despise liars even more and anyone who says that Scotland did not vote for the present Tory led government is either a liar or a fool or in your case perhaps both. The present UK government were elected in a UK election, Scotland is part of the UK ‘ergo’ ‘we’ The voters of the UK including that part of the UK known as Scotland elected them. If you intend to reply would you please consider putting a bit more thought in to it.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Sunday, May 18, 2014 2:35:00 pm.

"I am sure the RLL employees are thankful the the SNP tried to help them"

And I'm sure in fact I know that the RLL employees are not so daft as to believe anything that the snp do or say, they remember too well what it was like with an snp/libdem council in charge.

Since you clearly appear not to know how this works let me explain it to you. The snp pick an issue, it can be anything they don't care what it is and they come to the council meeting demanding that it be taken as an emergency, knowing full well that it isn't and it won't be taken, they then try to accuse the council administration of being undemocratic, rocket science eh?. It's amazing that there are still some people so gullible that they still believe this guff, you appear to be one of them.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to imagine your excitement there Terry as you tell me that I am from Skye and that Scotland actually voted for the tories.

If you knew something about the labour party and politics then there are a wide and varied number of (proper as opposed to cartoon) labour politicians who vehemently disagree with you.

How may I claim this you ask?

It is a matter of public record that the very reason that labour legislated for a Scottish Parliament was because we didn't vote Tories in Scotland in any numbers and had to endure their ruling over us for close to twenty years with policies that Scots found abhorrent.

I know you claim we voted for them, but that is a kindergarten nihilist argument that does not bear scrutiny even from your labour bosses who vehemently disagree with you.

You see, you cannot actually understand the political circumstances and background behind that which you speak of, a common problem with gung ho unionist types like yourself, tory/labour-all the same.

Looking forward to you putting a quarter of my reply linked to your cartoon-like take on what is being are the very reason that people like myself whom you label 'SNP supporting idiots' moved away from labour, and believe me voting for the likes of yourself would be as idiotic as it gets.

Thanks for your input, the hilarious retorts you have given and I hope you ponder over why Labour created a Scottish Parliament because "Scotland doesn't get the government it votes for".....that is a quote from a famous labour politician who obviously disagrees with you because he speaks some truth for a change.

I'm away to purchase some bacon and eggs from the corner shop in Skye.

Mo said...

I will no doubt regret entering into this, but anyway, re. Council house sales. Yes it was all instigated by Thatcher in the 80's - although some councils were already selling off some housing stock. I also know that the Labour Party were never too strongly against the policy of 'right to buy' and a fair amount of wavering went on over the issue. However! - yes there is always an however! - as an active NALGO trade unionist at that time I was strongly involved with opposing the 'sell off'. I think time has proven that 'right to buy' was a mistake. The stock of social rented housing in the country is inadequate to meet housing needs, the so-called discounts given to sitting tenants who wanted to buy was excessive. I do not think that anyone who bought their council house and thus withdrew it from the stock for future occupants to have an affordable rented home is very much of a socialist. Hope all is well with you Terry, Mo

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Monday, May 19, 2014 9:50:00 am

I asked you to put a bit more thought in to it. Tories don’t have a great deal of support in Scotland or Wales for that matter but they still were elected to rule the UK and Scotland and Wales are part of the UK. Why do you feel it necessary to repeat yourself are you incapable of understanding the first answer?.

If you keep throwing you toys out of the pram like that you are going to break them.

When you got that corner shop remember to check your change, those teuchters can spot a soft mark a mile away.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Mo. said. Monday, May 19, 2014 2:54:00 pm

Maureen I was there as well and I was vehemently opposed to the sale of council houses, as is nearly always the case we seem to be singing from the same hymn sheet. “I think time has proven that 'right to buy' was a mistake” of course it was a mistake but the reality is that it was one of the most popular policies ever, we took a hammering over it and that is why no one dared oppose it until the snp did once there was no more decent council houses left to buy.

“I do not think that anyone who bought their council house is very much of a socialist” Since getting married I have lived in 3 houses and I owned every one of them so I’m not going to go there, it’s a minefield, I have only ever lived in one council house and that was No. 5 Limecraigs Crescent Glenburn, but I’m delighted to see the flame is still burning.

Hope you are good, you look great and very contented with that beautiful dog in the pictures.

Byeck said...

Kelly, you old romantic...have a picture of you and Mo, gambolling in a sun dappled meadow with Mantovani and the Red Army Choir banging out the Red Flag in the background. Compliments to Maureen, but you'd look better with some clothes on.

Now, for the avoidance of doubt, you have never bought, or are buying a council house, either for your own, or anyone else's use?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Mo was the apple of me and my 7 brother's eyes as we grew up across the garden fence from her. She was and still is a rare mixture of beauty and brains mixed with socialism and feminism, she would see through you in 2 seconds.

As far as Council House sales are concerned, you should write to Renfrewshire Council under Freed om of Information and ask that question.

Byeck said...

Kelly @ 11.31
Golly, it gets better....Snow Mo and the Seven Kellys, starring Terry Kelly as Dopey.

So far as any council house dealings go, you and I know, that requests for personal information are unlikely to be met under FOI rules, so come on, put it to bed, yes or no?

Mo said...

Gosh Terry, you brought a wee tear to my eye! Take care of you. Mo xxx

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Byeck said...Kelly @ 11.31, Tuesday, May 20, 2014 2:16:00 pm.

OK you've got me banged to rights Guv, I can't keep on avoiding the subject for ever. It was a terrible time and it was very stressful for all of us but, I'm not going to use that as an excuse. The answer to your question is no, I have never bought a council house in my life.

Byeck said...

Kelly @ 4.53
There, that wasn't too hard, was it...Finally you confirm that you never took advantage of the Right to Buy.
Two firsts from one article.. a straight answer from Kelly and a correspondent signing off a comment with kisses.

I need to sit down!

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Byeck said...Kelly @ 4.53 Tuesday, May 20, 2014 7:52:00 pm

I was just having a laugh watching you squirm. How do you know I'm telling the truth?.

Byeck said...

Kelly @ 5.05
Of course you're telling the confidence in your integrity remains at the same level as always.

Besides, if you're telling porkies, some fascist enemy of the workers is bound to grass you up.