Thursday, June 20, 2013


Derek Mackay snp msp, does not seem to be aware of how decisions are taken at a Council planning meeting which is quite a gap in his knowledge; since he is what is laughably called the snp Scottish Govt. Minister for Planning. Here is what he had to say, not just about Renfrewshire Council's special planning meeting on Tuesday June 18 2013 but about me personally.

"Renfrewshire Council Labour Planning Convenor ignores hundreds of local views on Local Development Plan submissions at meeting today" I am the Planning Convener he refers to. 

The Local Plan is a document which outlines the council's planning framework for the next 5 years and as such is very significant, hence the large public attendance at the meeting. Visitors to the meeting were there to see what would be decided with regard to mainly green belt land in their area, which they had been campaigning to have retained as green belt. 

This was the third meeting held to discuss the proposals in public and it came at the end of a meticulous consultative process which drew correspondence from nearly 2,000 different groups. These contributions were reduced to 46 distinctive separate subjects which covered all the areas of interest as well as providing a substantial document which dealt with each individual contribution. Despite the consultation period closing some months ago Renfrewshire Council continued to accept communications on the proposals up until Tuesday. 

Planning Minister Mackay regards this as a case of local people's views being ignored by me. 

It might aid your understanding of his rather muddle headed comment if I tell you that Mackay and me have "previous" When he rose without trace to become the leader of Renfrewshire Council with the aid of the wretched Libdem Cllrs. led by the most disingenuous and thoroughly nasty Libdem Cllr. Eileen McCartin in a coalition I had a few laughs at his expense and roughed him up a bit. I quite enjoyed for instance telling him that the snp had never in history won a majority in Renfrewshire and had formed the council administration twice, once with the help of the Tories and once again with the help of the LIbdems. Nothing too serious but he is obviously a sensitive and vindictive soul as his reaction here shows. Unfortunately for him though it also displays behaviour which is petty and unbecoming a government minister. I wonder if the people at the meeting he gave his support to along with the snp Cllrs. and the single Tory really buy their story. I think not, I suspect if they haven't already done so they will read the record and find out that this Local Plan Document was passed unanimously and without demur by the same councillors on the same Planning Board some time ago, that might just leave a bad taste in their mouths. 

Mackay's actions do not shock me however; he has always displayed a lot of ambition and rat like cunning. I refer to him as the snp Government "Planned Minister" rather "Planning Minister" as I suspect that Mr. Salmond having spotted his willingness to be a yes man promoted him in the same way as he has "planned" the progress of other obsequious nonentities whom he has deliberately surrounded himself with, all of them malleable and none of them a danger to him.

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