It cheers me no end to learn that in these tough times when the word on everyone's lips is austerity that some folk can still manage to enjoy themselves and spend some money while doing so.
I refer not to a pop star, or a film star or a rich footballer , not even a Tory cabinet member. "Can you guess who it is yet?" as Rolf Harris used to say, it is none other than our own dear leader Alex (the spiv) Salmond and that is 'dear' as in expensive not 'dear' as in loved.
Figures released today by the snp Government who could stall their release no longer show that the wee shyster ran up a bill for his junket to London for the Olympics of approx £500,000 and following that we can add after today's figures something very close to the same sum again for his junket to America to see the Golf tournament, a million pound bill for you and me and other tax payers to pay for. We can always boast that our first minister has more expensive tastes than other Government leaders can't we? do we want to though? How much more do we not know about! There is a trip to California still not counted and a junket to Wimbledon likewise, make no mistake folks when champagne and caviar are about wee Eck displays rat like cunning and also the speed of a rat going up a roan pipe chasing a mouse.
I suspect that the biggest and most dishonest of his con tricks is none of those mentioned, consider if you will the case of "Mr. Salmond's Flying Circus" otherwise known as the "Holyrood Travelling Cabinet" A clever ruse by Eck to get the tax payer to pay for extensive snp campaign costs by calling it an extension of democracy. How much does it cost to take the Scottish Cabinet on the road, how many are in the concert party, where do they stay when on the road, how much to feed them, (remember wee Eck can eat £800 worth of grub provided by his London allowance when Parliament is in recess) how much for travel, clerks, secretaries, security, advisers, etc. etc. etc. all to show people what they can see by reaching out their hand in the comfort of their own living room and switching on the TV set.
This particular 'shakedown' of his allows Salmond to babble on about bringing democracy to the people while maintaining a high profile for him and his concert party at the expense of tax payers most of whom are not even supporters of the snp, in other words it is a Scandal and should be investigated, the Scottish people deserve better than this duplicitous charlatan leading the Government.