Thursday, December 09, 2010


Who remembers Vince Cable raising a laugh by describing Gordon Brown as Mr. Bean ? I guess that Brown being the man he is would not have taken any great satisfaction were he watching Cable today leading the Govt. on his bill to raise Student fees. Cable was more "Mr. Has Been than Mr. Bean" and me being the kind of man I am, unlike Gordon Brown revelled in his wretched performance at the despatch box. A hesitant shifty exhibition from a man whose political star is falling as fast as the snow surrounding us; and very few are more deserving of a spectacular fall from grace than this quack of a politician. Round here we have a saying to describe a person who simply can't be trusted: we say "He/She has more faces than the town hall clock" and Mr. Cable displays every devious one of them. His already collapsing body language was such that we half expected to see a crumpled suit with no one in it as his masters P.M. Cameron and Deputy P.M. Clegg left the chamber before the debate started, a case of rats leaving a sinking ship surely. Whether the Govt. carries the day is now neither here nor there as far as the Liberal Democrats are now concerned, their mendacity is clear for all to see; they no longer have anywhere to hide and are staring into the political void and it couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch of crooks and backstabbers.

It would be difficult indeed to find a clearer cut case of a political party being so palpably caught out and shown as a bunch of fraudulent shabby crooks. They have been exposed for the way they conduct politics, which is to promise everything to everyone safe in the knowledge that they will not be in the chair when the music stops as Pat McFadden Labour MP so eloquently put it in the debate. That is why they signed the NUS pledge but they are in the chair and they have been exposed as opportunists who stand for nothing. It was not as they are trying to say now only one part of their manifesto it was a central plank and deliberately designed to buy student votes. It is now 18:47 PM and we know that 28 Libdem shysters voted with the Tory Govt. the bill to raise tuition fees and cut the education teaching budget by 80% has been agreed because of the support of the Liberal Democrats, will people remember this act of treachery.

Will any of you; like me; spare a thought for the bright boys or girls who because of what happened today in Parliament will not manage to access higher education. Perhaps the one who would have discovered a cure for cancer or the common cold could have been one of those youngsters who missed out because of what the Tories and Liberal Democrats did today, we can't say can we? Perhaps one of them could have become the ordinary hard working teacher who inspired a young pupil to enter higher education and go on to achieve things which could be of benefit to society. We will never know but we do know that it is possible and that makes them (the Govt.) guilty of vandalism against us all. When talent, intelligence and diligence fails because the Govt. for ideological reasons places financial penalties in the way of young people we, you and me and all of those protesting students and their families have a right to damned angry. The gutter media has already started to trash the protestors and it will get vicious. That makes it even more important that progressive forces and progressive people stand four square behind the students and refuse to be lied to by Murdochism. If we allow the Govt. to carry on down this road we will be back to the vicious eighties and the evil shadow of Thatcher will descend on us again. Time for the whole Labour movement, parties unions and the rest of decent society to stand firm, raise our voices so they can be heard in the Camen Isles and the Bahamas where the tax dodging Tories are wintering.

Another shameful step has been taken towards a society long desired by the Tories and most Liberal democrats where those who are fit and well off don't pay for the poor and sick while those parents who do not have children or are well off do not pay to educate the children of parents who are less well off, and our society slips back again under these political fraudsters. Once again we here in Renfrewshire are left wondering at the completely untenable position of the SNP in the local council. Today in the fees debate the SNP were fierce in their anger against the Liberal Democrats. SNP MP Pete Wishart was particularly aggressive and angry he treated the Libdems with scorn and not a little contempt, one can only assume that Mr. Wishart was performing a little cameo for the cameras. This situation again shows the contempt that the Renfrewshire SNP/Libdem cabal have for the voters; how can they (SNP _ Libdems) be at each other's throats in Westminster and in bed together in Renfrewshire? They are now following a pattern; recently the SNP led administration in Renfrewshire refused to condemn the Tory/Libdem budget of savage cuts from Westminster when the SNP leader and Holyrood candidate Derek Mackay said at a council meeting and I quote "the cuts are about right"

Today saw a new low for the Tories and an even deeper low for the Liberal Democrats at Westminster, young people in future will pay the price of their duplicity, for the sake of a whiff of power and a ministerial car. Nonentities like Danny Alexander and Michael Moore both Liberal Democrats prove to be as handy a pair of MP's as money can buy, while here they continue to enjoy the support of SNP council leader Derek Mackay and his 'minder' deputy council leader the Libdem Leader Eileen McCartin. In all honesty readers can any of you bring yourselves to vote for these people again?


David Duff said...

Off topic but dare one ask what has happened to the brilliant insight you offered on the subject of the French revolution? It will not open and no comments are available, er, including mine.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...


I didn’t offer any insight into the French Revolution I merely quoted from Wordsworth who commented on how it was heaven to be young and involved in a revolution which he clearly believed was a wonderful event, I have no idea what you mean by "it won't open"?

I am getting fed up with your accusations about not being printed: you have never written anything to me which I have felt the least bit unable to handle with ease and I doubt you ever will. If it’s printable it gets printed you are beginning to sound like an empty drum being banged.

David Duff said...

'Calm down, dear, it's only a comment'!

From where I am sitting all I can see on your blog for "Tuesday, November 30th" is the heading of that particular post. The usual line underneath beginning "Posted by Cllr Terry Kelly . . ." is completely missing and it is impossible to open the post.

I am only telling you this in case you hadn't realised there is a problem. I couldn't care less whether or not you publish my comments, it's your blog, do what you like!

Are all Jocks as grumpy and ungrateful as you?

Unknown said...

lets look at the facts shall we?

firstly, nothing is paid back until you earn 21000 and then you only pay back 10% above that. so if you earn 30000 (not a bad wage but only half of yours excluding expenses) then you only pay back 900 per year which is only £75 per month. whats wrong with that?
why should i pay for someone to do sociology or golfing green management?
they probably would get a brilliantly paid job anyway SO WOULDNT PAY ANY MONEY BACK!

whats the problem?

ps i went to university in the early 90's as a mateur student and did electronic and computing enginnering. i work for a large defence contractor and after 15 years am only on £35000 a years. oh well thats the private sector for you.............

Unknown said...

lets look at the facts shall we?

firstly, nothing is paid back until you earn 21000 and then you only pay back 10% above that. so if you earn 30000 (not a bad wage but only half of yours excluding expenses) then you only pay back 900 per year which is only £75 per month. whats wrong with that?
why should i pay for someone to do sociology or golfing green management?
they probably would get a brilliantly paid job anyway SO WOULDNT PAY ANY MONEY BACK!

whats the problem?

ps i went to university in the early 90's as a mateur student and did electronic and computing enginnering. i work for a large defence contractor and after 15 years am only on £35000 a years. oh well thats the private sector for you.............

David Duff said...

Still not working, I see, Councillor. Are you on strike or is it the cuts?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...


“lets look at the facts shall we?”

There are facts and figures galore surrounding this issue that’s why we have the uproar that we have. I find it impossible to believe that you have a degree in anything or that you were ever ‘mature’ about anything.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...


My post of Nov. 30 th. refers to American presidents and candidates for the American presidency; it says nothing about the French Revolution and other people have found no problem reading it and commenting on it.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...


This obsession about how I spend my time is becoming unhealthy but; if it helps I can tell you that having been involved in politics for many years I am rich enough not to have to care about how others do their jobs as politicians. Perhaps you could start an investigation into me.