apologies to Oscar Wilde “To lose one Councillor may be regarded as a
misfortune but to lose 5 looks like carelessness” “The importance of being
Ernest” (Lady Bracknell). You’ve got to laugh haven’t you but this REALLY is not
December 18th 09.30 am at Renfrewshire Council
and the crowd gathers for the full council meeting, the last of the year. Prior
to the meeting starting we were treated to some carols by a delightful group of
School children from Heriot Primary. A slightly curious carol concert
consisting of 4 songs, unusual in that everyone present including the children
I suspect had no idea what they were singing with the exception of the Head of
Social Work Peter McLeod who is a fluent Gaelic speaker, I was concerned that
the lead teacher who was conducting might at some point call on the audience to
join in the chorus, still the music was lovely and the children were a credit
to their school and their parents.
The atmosphere is febrile with the Labour Councillors on a
high and the wretched snp Councillors crashing around like a bunch of drunks
trying to do a sword dance. The snp group are now reduced to 10 members, 5
having been suspended by their own party with the fate of another still to be
decided if he or she can be found, possibly leaving, 9 snp Councillors. The now
infamous U Tube pictures of the three fearless snp arsonists was shot by a
third snp idiot making the number of suspended miscreants 4 and then there was a
picture of all four on show as well so, a fifth must have taken it, one ‘eejit’ is
therefore still at large. Possibly being protected by a latter day Flora
McDonald, is there a patriotic song in here somewhere i ask myself. This
fugitive has obviously decided to take to his or her heels and abandon the
other 4 to their fate, so much for Scottish nationalist courage and loyalty, “when
the going gets tough the tough snp get offsky and hide”. Sturgeon will be haunted by the missing fifth
person, she has shown no inclination to find out who it is and she is scared to
revive the publicity with another suspension, that is of course if it was
another snp Councillor, perhaps it was one of their legendary well behaved
supporters or even an snp MSP or MP, this will not go away, she is already
showing her lack of courage and ability to take tough decisions.
The 4/5 snp fire raisers predictably did not turn up for the
meeting, they decided to hide and not try to defend their actions, despite
their defiant remarks they “bottled it” and stayed away. The new snp leadership
team are Nicolson & Cameron, yes you heard that right, Nicolson and Cameron,
you couldn’t make it up, two of the most disruptive snp councillors there is
are now the leader and deputy leader of the Renfrewshire Council snp group.
Nicola Sturgeon you have got a real mess in Renfrewshire. This meeting was
truly awful the behaviour of the snp was mind boggling, even the usually impeccably
behaved and erudite snp Councillor Maria Brown was moved to opine that the snp
fire raisers were exercising their right to free speech by burning literature
which they disagree with!.
Fortunately the proceedings were filmed but unfortunately the
behaviour of the snp is heard but not seen as the camera’s only focus on the
speaker called by the chair of the meeting. To assist anyone who chooses to
watch these proceedings therefore I can advise that the snp rabble, racket and
abuse are coming from, in order of guilt, Cllrs. Cameron, Andrew Doig,
Nicolson, and Audrey Doig. Other snp councillors join in but these are the
worst, some other snp Councillors it has to be said take no part in this
dreadful behaviour and in fact seem rather embarrassed by it, perhaps Nicola
Sturgeon should investigate this at the same time as her investigations in to
the matter of setting fire to literature they do not agree with, meanwhile the
snp in Renfrewshire continue to behave like out of control thugs. This meeting
took 4 hours and should have taken a maximum of 2 hours that is a £4,000 hit to
you the tax payer courtesy of the snp.