Here is truthful piece of information regarding welfare and benefits from the TUC provided by my Labour Party comrade Robert Moore. It is easy to understand and it exposes the lies of the Libdem/Tory cabal in government. So easy to understand is it that people could be forgiven for asking why the right wing press are not aware of it or as is more likely they do know about it but do not publish it. Why is that I hear you ask, mendacity that's why .
There is however a very serious welfare benefits abuse going on and it's far worse than this, it is the scandal of the billions of pounds in welfare and benefits that are not being claimed by people who are entitled to claim them. The elderly, the infirm, the long term sick, those who are entitled to benefits and don't know how to claim them. People who have worked all their lives and paid their taxes and national insurance, these people don't have much and certainly don't have anything stashed in tax havens. The government spend millions on so called benefit fraud and nothing to help those who are not familiar with the system and that tells us all we need to know about the society we live in, here are the facts.
why then are the two eds promising to be harder on welfare claimants than the tories if they get into westminster. answer; red tories; you appluad
They are not, they said they would be tough on welfare and so they should. Being tough means that those who are bogus claimers will be dealt with toughly and those who are not getting what they are entitled to will receive tough help and support.
so show us the manifesto promises to rid the welfare system of the brutality that the tories have imposed, the brutality that drives barred claimants to food banks or suicide, you can't because there aren't any! Labour party my a..e,Ed Miliband, tristram hunt oxford and cambridge tories in red ties..
The labour party is now a plaything of the rich and privileged and idiots like you carry them high on your shoulders.
You talk about salmond doing anything to get elected but condone the labour hierarchy in london, demonising the unemployed the poor the disabled even the elderly all to out thatcher the tories. Thankfully the people of Scotland are seeing this for themselves now. your dead party can continue to lie and cheat your way into some gerrymandered seats but as an influence you're days have come and gone.
The Labour movement led by the Labour Party and the Trade Unions are the only way that we can bring about a fairer society and bring about a redistribution of wealth.
It certainly won't be done by people like you who can only whinge and hide behind anonymity.
Just imagine the terror that someone like you who is afraid even to identify him/her self can strike in to the hearts of Tories and the right wing establishment, you and people like you are a pathetic joke.
and this from a snp supporting blog
the message couldnt be more clear
as usual terry you play the man not the ball, for the umpteenth time I do not ID myself because you fellows who hide behind the butchers apron play dirty. That in itself is a shocker, old republican Terry Kelly wrapping himself in the flag of the oppressors, who would have thought it possible, And you talk about Salmond being willing to do anything for the cause, at the same time you jump into bed with the tories, the lib dems, the orange order, the masons, UKIp, the bnp,the royal family, ffs man have a look at yourself.
I can see by your refusal to face any of the issues I have highlighted about the infiltration of labour uk by the rich and privileged, that you agree with me but are powerless to do anything I sympathise, but you could grow a pair and stand as an independent socialist rather than prop up a right wing UK labour party.
Supporting The current labour party is the least likely way to redistribute wealth. Why not get behind labour for independence, then when Scotland inevitably becomes independent we will have a chance to return Scotland to solid labour values and get the snp out at the ballot box. We can at least make scotland a fairer and more equal society and then hope that inspires our compatriots in Emngland to grab the reigns back from westminster and do the same.
Your old style labour party has been corrupted by Westminster and what's worse you know it and don't care.
Councillor, how many people were polled, when did the poll take place and what is your council doing to advise claimants?
Why have none of your reactionary right wing media friends challenged the findings, surely the TUC would be a great scalp for them?. If you want information from Renfrewshire Council ask them.
Anonymous said...Monday, June 09, 2014 7:51:00 am.
You are anonymous because you are a coward and the No campaign are agreed on one thing only, the unity of the UK, it’s similar to what happened during the war when people from across society and across political divides stood together to stop Hitler and the Nazis. That’s clearly not something you would do since your party the snp were in favour of Hitler and the Nazis, how much time do you spend in front of the mirror preening yourself in your tartan shirt and your highly polished jackboots?.
Kelly, I asked three questions, none of which challenged the findings and none of which you've answered.
Running scared, Big Man?
Byeck said...Tuesday, June 10, 2014 5:52:00 pm.
Well now, here is a chance for you to back up your usual stance, if you think there is something wrong with my post then go for it.
Here is a chance to score a golden goal against me, go for it, don't just insinuate do something. I have posted this stuff and I stand by it, one of looks scared right enough.
Kelly @ 7.17
I insinuated nothing, I challenged no findings. I asked three simple questions, one of which gives you a chance to publicise your council's help for the under-privileged and you refuse to answer any of them.
What's wrong with you man?
Yesterday's Sun, front page. Miliband posing with the Sun, for the Sun. Your leader sells his soul and gets into bed with the Murdoch press.
Any comment?
Kelly @ 7.17. Tuesday, June 10, 2014 7:44:00 pm.
I will have to conclude that you are afraid to contact the TUC and Renfrewshire Council, another attack ends not with a bang but with a whimper.
Anonymous said...Friday, June 13, 2014 9:29:00 am,
Yes I have a comment, Miliband gets his picture taken with the other main party leaders supporting Englands World Cup campaign thus preventing Murdoch from running the headline 'Miliband refuses to support our boys in Brazil.
Let's compare him with salmond shall we?. Despite knowing that Murdoch tapped the phone of the murdered schoolgirl Milly Dowler, he (salmond) invited Murdoch to dine as an honoured guest at Bute House, the official residence of the Scottish Government's First Minister, need I say more?.
Kelly @ 2.11
You published the piece, and yet you refuse to take questions on it. How strange.
I smell stinking fish , laddie.
You don't think Miliband 's judgement was questionable, then? I ask, because that's the view in Liverpool, where a Labour Councillor has resigned in protest at Miliband's action....I don't suppose Renfrew's Finest will follow suit?
And not only did Murdoch not hack Millie Dowler's phone,
he closed down the paper accused of so doing.
Give credit where it's due, Terry.
Miliband avoided a cack handed attempt to trap him by the sun. Milly Dowler's phone was hacked by The News of the Worls and Murdoch owns it, ergo he is responsible and he closed it down because the scandal surrounding him and his employees was such that he had no choice but to close it.
Byeck said... Kelly @ 2.11. Friday, June 13, 2014 4:43:00 pm.
I have given you all the information you need to pursue your smears and suspicions, what are you afraid of?.
Kinnock blew it in Sheffield, Blair left Iraq more dangerous than it ever was under Saddam, Brown sold our family jewels at the bottom end of the market and now Miliband screws the Liverpool vote.
Forget the nuclear button, I wouldn't trust that lot with the keys to our Khazi.
I can't stop laughing.
Kelly, just watched Blair on the Marr show, explaining how the current Iraq crisis is nothing to do with his war and really, down to the fact we didn't invade Syria. Unbelievable....the man is in denial and certifiably insane. You two have much in common.
Thank Heaven Claire Short was allowed to trash his arguments and restore some semblance of credibility to the Party.
Byeck said...Sunday, June 15, 2014 11:19:00 am
Your unhealthy obsession with Blair renders your opinions worthless.
Saturday, June 14, 2014 9:03:00 pm. Anonymous said...
You show the usual anti Labour arrogant disdain for the good people of Liverpool when you suggest that they can't work out for themselves what the sun is up to.
Mr Kelly, the Good People of Liverpool are not happy over Miliband supporting the Sun. In case it slipped your radar, one Councillor has resigned from the Party, the Mayor is spitting feathers and local MP's have put so much distance between themselves and their Leader, they are but distant dots on the horizon.
Oh, and Miliband felt the need to apologise.
Kelly @ 2.01
Kelly, Kelly, no wonder the family worry about you. On the one side of the Iraq argument, we have me, M/s Short and the rest of the UK, while on the other, we have you.
Game contest. It's like Italy playing the Buddies, or Einstein and friends taking on Rab C Nesbitt.
Well Terry for all their faults the coalition government has been bringing in universal credit that means not getting what you are entitled to will be a thing of the past.
I like scousers generally, but I'd be more worried that if they can work out whatever it is that you think Murdoch is up to; why cant Milliband (or his army of "advisors")
Anonymous said...Sunday, June 15, 2014 6:19:00 pm
The good people of Liverpool will figure it out but I doubt if you will.
Byeck said...@ 2.01
I am too busy at the moment to try again to explain to you how these things work and I now doubt if you are capable of learning it anyway.
Sunday, June 15, 2014 7:42:00 pm
Anonymous said...Tuesday, June 17, 2014 7:09:00 am.
As far as I'm aware the changes will be to the way the benefits are paid not to the numbers who receive them.
The government are doing this to save money, no other reason, families who previously had source deducted charges like housing benefit will now have a cheque which they can cash which shifts the onus on to them to pay what is required. Because of the chaotic lives that some families lead this could create a serious problem if the money goes on things that it is not meant for, the most likely being alcohol etc. This is a crude and cruel move by the government and many poor families will suffer by it, this government are evil.
Anonymous said...Tuesday, June 17, 2014 9:32:00 pm
I have already said here that Miliband and his advisors have worked out what Murdoch is up to and they have acted exactly as I would have, the scousers will have it sussed.
Kelly @ 1.17
Go on, explain it, son. You can copy your reply to Jack Straw and Lord (God help Us!) Prescott, neither of whom are natural allies of mine, but both of whom agree with me...Blair is delusionally certifiable.
Liverpool, Harriet Harman, ' Ed was right to pose for the Sun and he was right to apologise.'
Says it all, doesn't it? She can have one, or she can have the other, but she wants both.
If that's the best your privately educated Deputy Leader can do, it's retire to the study with a bottle of whisky and loaded revolver, time.
Byeck said...Kelly @ 1.17
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 6:36:00 pm.
I have already explained it to you, this is my final remark on this, if you think hard you will notice that Straw, Short and Prescott all have something in common, they have all been cabinet ministers who never quite made it to the top job and none of them have to bother anymore about the chief whip, go figure.
Anonymous said...Wednesday, June 18, 2014 8:47:00 pm.
Poor Harriet like most politicians when she says something daft or makes a minor mistake there are is always some anonymous lightweight bearing a grudge like you ready to jump on it and try desperately to turn it in to something that it isn't.It actually says quite a lot about you.
Re Miliband
Now that the Guardian and Lord Mandelson have joined the 'Miliband is lacking' chorus, I guess you're on your own, a Supporter's Club of one.
A lady called Hermans wrote a poem, 'Casabianca.'I commend the first four lines to you.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
Anonymous said..Friday, June 20, 2014 7:50:00 pm.
I like poetry but wise folk know it is dangerous to use it to support your argument because here's what can happen. This is for you and your pal Lord Mandelson.
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
Rudyard Kipling.
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