Thursday, April 10, 2014


Just in time to rain on alex salmond’s parade at this week’s Nuremberg Rally AKA the snp conference comes a poll released today showing the ‘No’ campaign with a 10 point lead which becomes a 12 point lead when the don’t knows are not included.
Evidence also shows that alex (Del boy) salmond’s women trouble continues with support for separation among women voters tumbling to 28.5% a fall of 4 points.
Not only is this result a big blow to salmond and the snp crazies it is also a massive blow to the credibility of the (snp / ‘Wings over Scotland’s’)  absurd  pet polling company ‘panelbase’ who are so out of step with all the other pollsters that they could well have travelled here from the planet Zogg.
Looking extremely statesmanlike and sounding determined and composed the Better Together leader Alistair Darling said, “It's increasingly clear that people in Scotland want to have the best of both worlds - a strong Scottish Parliament, with the guarantee of more powers, backed up by the strength, security and stability of being part of the UK. While the SNP spend every day talking about how they want to break up the UK, devolution is clearly the settled will of the Scottish people”.
It appears that the snp attempts to deceive the people are coming back to haunt them. The Scottish people can remember how salmond rode roughshod over them by announcing that  ‘he’ would make the Queen the Monarch of a separate Scotland, how he lied about taking EU legal advice, creating a new shameful saying “in terms of the debate”. The NATO U Turn, the bluster over sterling, the inability or unwillingness to answer serious questions about jobs, borders, currency and pensions etc. but most of all the open disdain that they have shown for the Scottish people by treating them like idiots has played very badly and rightly so. Sneering and laughing along with rubbishing every opinion that he doesn’t like no matter how expert that opinion is is simply not good enough and nowhere near convincing to the people and it does not work.

In addition we have a very grim and growing crisis on our hands with the activities of the so called ‘cybernats’.  snp/separatist/cybernats, credulous individuals who have been worked up in to a frenzy of anti English hatred over the years by salmond and the snp. Their hate filled rancour has been unleashed on anyone who dares to argue against independence, they are also bullying and harassing people and making threats against anyone whom they deem to be a “traitor” to Scotland. This bunch of morons were created calculatingly by salmond and the snp and they are now out of control and can no longer be reined in. When the snp/separatist/cybernats get beaten at the referendum as they surely will we can expect civil disorder and violent behaviour by this mob, we can only hope that the authorities are prepared for it. This is the true face of nationalism, not since the days of Moseley and the fascist blackshirts has British politics seen anything like these thugs save for their fellow nationalists in the BNP.  


Hootsman (still) Banned Me said...

I respectfully suggest you look to get a Psychiatric assessment on yourself.

mario said...

Are you serious ? Accusating a democratic party and supporters as Nazi-like is distasteful at the very least.

Andrew Morton said...

More zany comedy relief!

"In addition we have a very grim and growing crisis on our hands with the activities of the so called ‘cybernats’. snp/separatist/cybernats, credulous individuals who have been worked up in to a frenzy of anti English hatred over the years by salmond and the snp. Their hate filled rancour has been unleashed on anyone who dares to argue against independence, they are also bullying and harassing people and making threats against anyone whom they deem to be a “traitor” to Scotland. This bunch of morons were created calculatingly by salmond and the snp and they are now out of control and can no longer be reined in. When the snp/separatist/cybernats get beaten at the referendum as they surely will we can expect civil disorder and violent behaviour by this mob, we can only hope that the authorities are prepared for it. This is the true face of nationalism, not since the days of Moseley and the fascist blackshirts has British politics seen anything like these thugs save for their fellow nationalists in the BNP. "

concerned paisley said...

Are you mental

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

You have never done anything "respectfully in your life, you wouldn't know how to.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

mario said...Friday, April 11, 2014 5:09:00 pm

When your ex snp leader and Nazi sympathiser Arthur Donaldson is still honoured by the snp today with an annual memorial lecture and the present day snp and their odious followers are proud to march side by side by a visiting fellow group of nationalist Flemish fascists at their Calton Hill Edinburgh rally Then I think I have got it right.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

mario said...Friday, April 11, 2014 5:09:00 pm

When your ex snp leader and Nazi sympathiser Arthur Donaldson is still honoured by the snp today with an annual memorial lecture and the present day snp and their odious followers are proud to march side by side by a visiting fellow group of nationalist Flemish fascists at their Calton Hill Edinburgh rally Then I think I have got it right.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Andrew Morton said...Friday, April 11, 2014 5:30:00 pm.

There is nothing zany or comic about Nazi sympathisers, fascists and street thugs Mr. Morton unless you have a particular bent for that kind of thing, it is of course a nationalist trait isn't it?.

mario said...

So which "mob" will be violent in the case of a NO vote ? Any evidence to back up that assertion ?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

concerned paisley said...Friday, April 11, 2014 5:32:00 pm.

I'm fine and I don't have a bent for Nazism like the snp.

Derick said...

I say this more in sorrow than in anger.

Terry - alcohol and computers do not mix. Just saying

Anonymous said...

I'm currently living in England and haven't been in Scotland for about two years, due to caring commitments. I'm very concerned by this post. Can you give me a bit more detail on what's happening up there?

I'm presuming if it was all out mob rule, it would have made the national news but is there a serious gang thing around this referendum?

I have relatives in Scotland -they're not particularly politically engaged, it has to be said but I'm worried they may be at risk come September's vote.

Anonymous said...

Can someone catalogue instances of "cybernats" causing instances of genuine fear and/or offence for me please? I keep hearing how evil they are but I don't see it. Rarely a whiff of anti-English sentiment either. However, I see elected officials accusing the SNP of being Nazis/fascists ALL THE TIME. I've seen numerous people comment that they want to see Alex Salmond killed. Even the BBC happily compared Salmond to Mugabe! I just want to know - is it OK to post vicious slurs and threats against indy supporters but not against cyberbrits? Because it seems like you might be experiencing some cognitive dissonance here...

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

mario said...Friday, April 11, 2014 6:00:00 pm.

If the No vote is victorious then the snp/separatist?cybernat tartanshirt mobs will be roaming the streets looking for people that they describe as "Scottish Traitors to abuse and beat up, little old English grannies will of course be their targets of choice. And if by some miracle the yes vote is successful the same tartanshirt mob will do exactly the same.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Derick said...Friday, April 11, 2014 9:24:00 pm.

I don't mix computers with my alcohol I drink it straight.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Depending on individual circumstances anyone who intends to vote No or who is a known No supporter or who disagrees with the tartanshirt mob could be in danger. I would urge you to advise any of your friends who intend to vote No to take note of the following advice.

1/ Go to the polls in daylight.
2/ Don't go to the polls alone.
3/For safety sake accept their (tartanshirt) literature at the polling station but do not engage with them.
4/ Do not show any friendliness to the No campaigners at the polling station.
5/ Make sure that any of your friends or relations who are English or have a hint of an English accent are well protected.
6/ Find an emergency Police phone number and take it with you when you go to vote.
7/ Let friends etc. know when you are leaving and how long you expect to be away.

Good luck.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said. Saturday, April 12, 2014 12:45:00 am.

There can only be 2 possible excuses for anyone not knowing about the brutal nature of the snp/separatist/cybernats and their intimidation and they are, 1/ you are a hermit living in a remote cave or 2/ you are simply a liar, my money is on the latter.

gramsci67 said...

How can you claim to be a socialist and be part of Better together? The left in the UK have done nothing but support new labour and now when there is an alternative you stand with the Tories. The only left alternative to UK neoliberalism & Eton Boys is via Scottish independence. There is a huge left movement around this??? It doesnae make sense

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

gramsci67 said...Sunday, April 13, 2014 7:08:00 pm.

I am a Socialist and I support "better together". There are millions of my fellow Socialist comrades and trade union brothers and sisters in the UK and I will not betray them by splitting from the UK. I also find nationalism and it's links to totalitarianism and fascism repugnant that's why I want to remain in the UK.

Anonymous said...

You are a very dangerous individual Cllr Kelly.

It's people like you who start wars.
I really struggle to understand why any native Scot would want stop their own country being like any other normal country in the world with total independence

Anonymous said...

This is offensive and I will be reporting this to your ISP along with the police.
How anyone like you managed to slip through the net and become a councillor is beyond parody.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Monday, April 14, 2014 9:17:00 pm.

Do the people responsible for the ISP and the Police deal with anonymous cowards then?.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Anonymous said...Monday, April 14, 2014 5:31:00 pm

I am opposed to independence Mr. Anonymous because IMO there is no case for independence, I regard it as a joke which has turned serious and is supported by some very dangerous and moronic thugs.

Running Man said...

Terry you are a Tory Stooge under guise of Better Together and you just don't know it yet.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Running Man said...Thursday, April 24, 2014 3:18:00 pm

I suppose I should be worried when such a cerebral political observer as you insults me but it's not working. I suspect that's because it's you I'm dealing with.

Lily Zotou said...

I find it extremely insulting that all those YES supporters, many of whom are not members of the SNP, or indeed, of any party, are castigated as thugs, and 'cybernats'. I think the NO campaign are afraid of the power of social media - they certainly don't allow debate on any of their sites. I've been banned from them all - not for being rude; not for being inflatatory - that's not my style; but merely for asking questions, and producing figures which challenge assertions. This is not debate. Indeed, the worst online abuse appears to be perpetrated by the 'no' side, although it is true, as it always is, that there are problem individuals on both sides. However, the enduring impression is the fear the 'no' side displays for social media - hence the pejorative terms used. The real YES campaign is grassroots, and fundamentally anarchic - that is its strength. the real 'no' campaign is top-down, with no real popular involvement, and that is its weakness. It's instructive that 'no' campaign meetings are closed, and the audience pre-screened, while most open debates are shunned by the 'no' campaign. That sends a message in itself.

Mr Anderson from Paisley said...

Regarding your banner heading.... "For Socialism, peace and justice, against racism, sexism, sectarianism, nationalism and discrimination".

I am no politician nor will I take it up in the future as any form of past-time, however in respect you having no care for Nationalism, how do you promote 'Socialism' in our free British society as it is today.?

In my book, Socialism mean that the government make all the important production and financial decisions on 'behalf of the people'. If you're in that boat then surely you should consider yourself as being on the Titanic as that sunk a long-time ago.

But I'm sure you can tell us how Socialsim in Britain could or should work very eloquently in your own words, and without any reference to any other parties and their apparent mis-givings. so please Mr Kelly, enlighten us with all your wisdom for the good of Socalist Britain.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Lily Zotou said...Monday, May 19, 2014 10:46:00 am

You don’t find it insulting and the yes voters are not castigated as thugs and cybernats, , some are. People no longer go to public meetings because of the behaviour of the yes supporters. No one gets banned for asking questions by BT. And claiming that the worst abuse comes from the No supporters is a lie. The real yes campaign is the snp there is no one else.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Mr Anderson from Paisley said...Monday, May 19, 2014 1:46:00 pm

I said I was in favour of socialism I didn't say we had socialism, to maintain the bogus world weary attitude you portray here you need to be a little less obvious and a little bit cleverer. Anything you really want to know about me and my attitude to politics you can find on here.