Wednesday, May 08, 2013


I am proud once again to tell people about the distinction between Labour and the snp.

The Royal National Institute for the Blind run a project which provides 'Talking Books for the Blind' Previous Labour Councils in Renfrewshire have subscribed to this, no explanation should be necessary for this but, for some people an explanation is indeed essential and those people are the snp. The explanation? It is the right and civilized thing to do.

The previous Renfrewshire Council Administration which was a coalition led by the snp and included the deceitful and gutless Liberal Democrats withdrew the council's subscription from this laudable project meaning that the blind or partially sighted residents of Renfrewshire would be deprived of the facility of talking books. This is the reality of snp rule and what happens when Liberal Democrats have the balance of power, they do the will of the highest bidder.

Today May 5th. 2013 Renfrewshire Council Labour administration's Education Board restored the council's subscription to the "talking books for the blind" project. There are some things that you should just not have to do and this one of them but; when the snp have power you never know what squalid decisions they are likely to make, they also removed the "death in service benefit" from the council's lowest paid workers during their dishonourable stewardship of Renfrewshire Council. The present Labour administration who kicked them out also restored this benefit.

This is where nationalism leads, where you find yourself when you give clout to people with no integrity and who are driven by illogical hatred, in their case for the English. In political terms they stand for nothing and they believe in less, Scotland should be mortified that they have the name Scottish associated with them in their party.


Byeck said...

Well done Renfrew Council on the Books for the Blind decision. However, a wee question on the Death in Service front, just for clarification, you understand.Did the removal of this benefit apply solely to 'low paid' workers or were all council employees, including Councillors, hit?

Anonymous said...

hey chuckles, yer back. and here's me thinking you would be posting something on cronynism within.......awe, that's right, macmillan's labour. oops!!!!

Drew said...

Labour should be mortified that they are associated with you

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Drew said...Friday, May 10, 2013 1:46:00 am.

Why is that then.

How is that yes campaign doing?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Drew said...Friday, May 10, 2013 6:45:00 pm

If you want to accuse someone of wrong doing then you should man up, identify yourself and accuse them in front of witnesses.

Otherwise it just looks like more lies and smears, much loved snp tactics which are going to cause them humiliation at the referendum.

Is it a prerequisite of being an snp member that you have to submit to being castrated?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Byeck said...Wednesday, May 08, 2013 7:10:00 pm.

The previous labour administration provided death in service cover for the lowest paid who could not afford the insurance payments.

The snp/Libdem coalition then took over and abolished that.

We won back the council in May 2012 and reinstated it.

Byeck said...

Kelly @ 7.10, May 10th
Councillor, this non answer does not reflect that manly openness that is your trademark. I have to conclude that the 'Death in Service' decision impacted on Councillors, not just the low paid.

But, let's move on. How much is Renfrew Council's annual subscription to the admirable 'Talking Books' scheme?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

No councillors involved, only small number of lowest paid employees. Cost to council £17,000 a year which is an illustration of what the snp priorities are.

Drew said...

What are the SNPs priorites Cllr Terry?

Byeck said...

Kelly @ 7.43
Thank you Councillor. Am I right in assuming the £17,000pa you quote refers to 'Death in Service,' rather than Council's subscription to 'Talking Books?'

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Drew said...Saturday, May 18, 2013 2:20:00 am

The snp’s priorities are separation and spreading hatred of all things English. Other political issues do not exercise them. They are racist thugs with a fondness for fascism. This can be traced back to their foundation and particularly during WW11 when snp members were incarcerated for their Nazi sympathies; it also manifests itself in the behaviour of their adherents today where they regularly exhibit their propensity for personal abuse and violent behaviour.

All in all they are a blot on humanity, thank you for asking Drew, glad to help, ken?