Monday, April 08, 2013


Did I want her dead?
I refer of course to Margaret Thatcher and the answer is no. Anything else would represent a victory for her, it would mean me abandoning what I believe in and there is no way I would allow her to do that. How would I have felt had she been run over by a bus during her premiership? I am asking myself a very thorny question here, what would my response have been if the bus had come along just after I had watched the miners fighting the police on the news during the coal dispute? I bitterly resent that she has made it difficult for me to answer such a query. I should not have to hesitate to answer such a basic civilized question but; I would have struggled back then and there is no point in me denying it now, I refuse to allow her to turn me in to a liar either.
I do believe though that our society and indeed the world in general would be a better place today if there had never been a Margaret Thatcher. I look upon her as no better than any of the world's most disreputable despots and unconscionable political thugs, a fanatic of the worst kind and a cr5uel and pitiless reactionary. With me and Margaret Thatcher it is completely personal, I always make every effort not to hate anyone but she beat me in to submission with that one, I gave in to hating her with a burning zeal, I am what I am today because of her so you know who to blame. With every family she destroyed, every community she left in ruins, each time she made some innocent person's life a misery and each act of thought-out malice and destruction she stoked up the revulsion I felt for her.
Is society better off for her having held sway for so long? The evidence suggests no in my opinion. The housing devastation is hers by selling council houses, the street riots are hers by creating long term unemployment and despair among the young , the banking catastrophe was hers by opening the banks up without checks on their activities to the crooks and shysters of the Tory party. The lost jobs and lost hopes, the ruined prospects and ruined lives are hers. Those who died or were mutilated in the Falklands conflict were hers; they did not need to die, she chose death for them by sinking the Belgrano to advance her political career, an act that I am convinced will become classed as a war crime and cause her to be named a war criminal sometime in the future. Her complicity in many needless deaths in Ireland because of her hubris and complete lack of statesmanship. Her record is one of misery for the many and triumph for the few, history will remember her as an aberration and ultimately a grotesque failure.
Any attempt at a state funeral will I hope be resisted, she is the most divisive politician of any of our lifetimes and the sooner she is ancient history the better. When the riots come as come they will; against this unspeakable government her malevolent presence will be there. She ruined more lives than wars and pestilence and we are now about to see a nauseating display of obsequious praise to her "greatness" by the establishment. The tarnished spiv and well heeled barrow boy Lord Geoffrey Archer has already been on TV gushing about her, that's very fitting actually. At such times I hope that there is a heaven and a hell so the celestial gate keeper cans say to her, "well then, WTF was all that about? the descending lift is just ready to go, be on it"
There is already talk of a funeral similar to that of the Queen Mother or Lady Diana! How will the millions who loathed her act in response to that? Will it be large scale rioting with the biggest police presence ever seen at a funeral or will it be large scale partying up and down the length and breadth of the Country as dockers, miners, builders, car workers and honest hard working people celebrate with others joining in around the world?


Anonymous said...

And with that any thoughts that Terry Kelly was impartial and capable of seeing things from both sides vanished, I actually though that was Robert Dickson writing for a second!

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

I hate Thatcher but Robert Dickson hates the world and everyone in it.

Anonymous said...

I hate Thatcher but Robert Dickson hates the world and everyone in it.


He does have this obsessive love for fat arrogant men that like to take frequent taxpayer funded holidays to the USA though.


If selling council houses was such a bad idea, you then why did you buy yours off the council?

Mrs. Thatcher is the greatest women to have ever lived since the Virgin Mary. She not only saved Britain from violent knuckle-dragging Marxist sociopaths like you, Scargil, Livingstone, Benn and Galloway, she also saved the world from the Evil Empire of the U.S.S.R and helped to liberate and improve the wealth, fortunes and living standards in Scotland, Britain, Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia.

I would gladly give up my live to restore hers. If people like Thatcher and Ron Paul had been in power both here and in America, there would have been no banking crisis in the first place.

I hope Thatcher haunts your twisted dreams for the rest of your wicked life.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

NOAH said.. Tuesday, April 09, 2013 11:51:00 am

See a doctor, stop writing to me I'm not a psychiatrist.

Anonymous said...

so there i was, rummaging through the attic looking for some old photo albums, when i stumbled upon an old king james, bible, which was nice.