Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The news breaking tonight reveals that Alex Salmond was sympathetic to the Murdoch bid to take more control of Sky TV. This was stated today at the Leveson Enquiry by James Murdoch during his evidence at the investigation. Politicians and others are now asking the question relating to a possible "quid pro quo" from Murdoch which meant support from the sleazy Murdoch Empire for the equally Sleazy Salmond empire AKA The SNP.

(The wee spiv.) Salmond put on his most outraged expression for the cameras, his synthetic rage was palpable and to this observer quite hilarious if somewhat sinister. Sinister in the sense that this now regular display of what our Jewish friends call 'chutzpah' can only be carried out as often as he does this by someone who's ego and control freakery are out of control. This is the state of mind which Cody Jarret (James Cagney) was in as he fired his gun indiscriminately while on the roof of the massive gasoline tank in the film "White Heat" blowing everything up including himself as he yelled one of the best known lines in cinema, "top of the world ma." Who will wee Eck (The Spiv) take with him?

The question for the Scottish people could hardly be more simple on the one hand are the Scottish people and on the other we have Rupert Murdoch and his pal Alex Salmond, how much more of people like Salmond and Murdoch can we take? and still not a word of dissent from the SNP members and supporters. Time for honesty among the nationalists surely?


Anonymous said...

Ahemm, not much sleaze going on here then eh?

"Tony Blair is godfather to one of Rupert Murdoch’s young children, it has emerged in an interview with the media tycoon’s wife Wendi.

The former prime minister was reportedly present in March last year when Murdoch’s two daughters by his third wife were baptised on the banks of the Jordan.

The information was not made public and its disclosure in an interview with Mrs Murdoch in Vogue will prove highly embarrassing for Mr Blair.

His close ties to the Murdochs could explain his reluctance to condemn the News International phone hacking scandal.

In July, it was reported that he asked Gordon Brown to put pressure on Tom Watson, the Labour MP who helped expose the scandal, to drop his investigation.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on SALMOND AND MURDOCH – THE END OF THE PIER SHOW – R... on 24/04/12
As you have not included any proof of these allegations I won’t bother with them. Salmond (the wee spiv) on the other hand seems to be up to his neck in it, he ( the wee spiv Salmond) might be a fraudster but at least he’s a good old Scottish fraudster.

Tutti Natti said...

Le prego me scuse signore, ma il vostro "populo" dell titulo mascha una u.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Tutti Natti.I don’t really speak Italian but believe it or not I managed to ‘get by’ quite well when I was there some years ago. That’s down to the Pigeon Italian I got from my dad who spent four and a half years there fighting to liberate the place during World War 2.

I know enough about Italian history however to know that if Garibaldi had never invented those biscuits, the world would never have seen the Unification of Italy. I bid you buona serata.