Friday, March 23, 2012


Here is a question for SNP politicians, members and supporters, I have asked this in various ways over the past months since in fact this deed was done and I can't get a single nationalist to comment.

Some time ago I heard the SNP leader wee Alex (the spiv) Salmond say; no that's not quite right as we have subsequently found out he "declared" "Affirmed" "Stated" choose your own description, that if Scotland became independent the Present Queen Elizabeth 11 or to give her her proper name, "the full bhuna" as it were. Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas Queen, Defender of the Faith, would be Queen of Scotland and subsequently 'Head of State' She has literally hundreds more titles and can appear wearing more bling than Idi Amin Dada that other famous democrat, but I just want to give you a flavour of her power.

I want to ask Scottish nationalists everywhere what they think of this decision by wee Eck (the spiv) and also ask the following 1/ were any of you consulted about this in any way? 2/ if you were would one or more of you describe how that consultation took place? 3/ what do you feel about wee Eck (the spiv's) actions? 4/ are any of the tooth and claw nationalists that I grew up fighting with still out there, do any of you remember those shibboleths which were sacred to you? I remember them, I heard you sing about them often enough "Scotland hisnae got a King and hisnae got a Queen" remember?

I will print your answers if any of you have the courage to write, I will print them in Technicolour if you dare to give your names.


Anonymous said...

This push for nationalism reminds me of the last Scots push that we were reminded of at Our Lady's High Motherwell many moons ago. April 16th 1746 at Drumossie moor Bonnie Prince Charlie faced off against George II's brother Duke of Cumberland with a predictable outcome. Has "Alex the Spiv" repised the Scottish highlanders "all courage and no plan" attempt at the rebirth of the Scottish nation. Nicknames were popular back then but I had to read a non UK book to get them James II (Seamus an Chaca- James the shite)James I (Dismal Jimmie) gotta love those Jacobites (Jimmies) because of the incompetence of the Jackoes we got William of Orange, Anti Catholic Test Acts, all holders of public office had to be Protestants etc. Jimmie the Dismal sure started sumpin, what will Alex the Spiv's legacy be?
Arthur Kelly Chgo/Craigneuk

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on COME ON YOU NATS, ALL TOGETHER NOW – “SCOTLAND HIS... on 28/03/12

The whole nationalist philosophy is as they say in the American colonies a “crock of bulldung” what worries me is that it could end in tears for many many innocent people. Those leading the SNP today are no different from these Jamie characters.

Conan the Librarian™ said...

Hello Coonciller Kelly.
When I was a guid socialist I always thought it was "Avanti Popolo"...
Anyhoo, you want SNP supporters, or "evil cybernats" if you prefer, to give their opinions on the monarchy and "The Spiv's" decision to keep her as monarch?
Well I'm against monarchy in any shape or form.
Has the Labour party promised a referendum on it's future like the SNP has?

cynicalHighlander said...

A friend of yours?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By cynicalHighlander on COME ON YOU NATS, ALL TOGETHER NOW – “SCOTLAND HIS... on 02/04/12

The Telegraph seems to be the right wing paper of choice for the SNP nowadays even when it regurgitates 3 year old stories. You are perfectly safe subscribing to it because you will only ever find attacks on the labour Party or the Trade Unions, that should suit the SNP nicely.

The best story out of all the expenses stories was the one about Alex Salmond by a mile. How does an MP manage to claim a full 2 month London allowance from Parliament when the that Parliament is not in session, answers? Write to Alex Salmond for explanation.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

Conan the Librarian™ said...Monday, April 02, 2012 12:55:00 PM

"Cooncillor, guid, Anyhoo"

Are you from Brigadoon or what? Nobody talks like this, are you really Harry lauder? He did a lot of crawling to the Monarchy as well.

The clouds have opened and instead of a saltire we have the voice of the great Alex. Salmond has spoken; Queen Elizabeth is home and dry so, how are you going to get a referendum?

Are you volunteering to lead the campaign against the great leader to overturn his dictat. If you send your proper identification I will post it on the blog and ask people to contribute to your campaign. I can’t say fairer than that can I?

Conan the Librarian™ said...

Really? Naebody says cooncillor when speaking to you?
My moniker is my name and my profession...

In which universe can you make a statement:
"Well I'm against monarchy in any shape or form"
as crawling to the aforesaid monarchy?

As for the remark where you said the Telegraph only attacks Labour; you've obviously never read Alan Cochrane then...

Yours in a spirit of republican brotherhood.

Conan der Bibliothekar, Frieherr von Misthaufen

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Conan the Librarian™ on COME ON YOU NATS, ALL TOGETHER NOW – “SCOTLAND HIS... on 04/04/12

No answers to my questions! what a surprise!

“Really? Naebody says cooncillor when speaking to you?”

Perhaps they use that expression in Brigadoon but not in real life.

“In which universe can you make a statement: "Well I'm against monarchy in any shape or form" as crawling to the aforesaid monarchy?”

That’s an easy one, when you then use the word ‘but’ or a substitute for it, that’s the language of the crawler.

“As for the remark where you said the Telegraph only attacks Labour”

This would only have credence if you missed the last paragraph.

People like you can take your version of republican brotherhood and sell it to someone more gullible, what about the oh so acquiescent SNP?

Are those last few words meant to impress me? You are not dealing with the SNP mob here you know.

Conan the Librarian™ said...

Brigadoon? Is that your favourite film? Here's me thinking it would have been the Battleship Potemkin...
"That’s an easy one, when you then use the word ‘but’ or a substitute for it, that’s the language of the crawler"

What defines your substitute of "but"? As you can see I never actually said *that* word.

The last few words were very definitely not meant to impress you...

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Conan the Librarian™ on COME ON YOU NATS, ALL TOGETHER NOW – “SCOTLAND HIS... at 15:49

It’s not my favourite film but it’s fascinating to see the impact it has had on Scottish Nationalists, that and Greyfriars Bobby, Oor Wullie and Mel Gibson. The rest of your post needs explaining.

I can hardly be impressed or unimpressed when I don’t know what your last few words mean. Will you be put in charge of burning books when you gain independence?

Anna Gibson said...

To take your questions in order.

1/ were any of you consulted about this in any way?

I have not been consulted on the policies of any political party beyond having the chance to vote for whatever manifesto they put forward. As I'm not a member of any political party I'm not involved in policy decisions.

2/ if you were would one or more of you describe how that consultation took place?

See above.

3/ what do you feel about wee Eck (the spiv's) actions?

I think the issue of the future of the monarchy and Scottish independence should be kept entirely separate. One could be against the monarchy but also against Scottish independence.
I don't see that the two issues have to go hand in hand. Personally I agree with the Republic campaign group that once the present monarch abdicates or dies that should be the end of it. I would certainly consider voting for any party who stood on that basis or proposed to hold a referendum on the future of the monarchy. However it seems unlikely I'll get the chance with both Labour and the SNP both presently being such staunch supporters of the monarchy and none of the others being parties I would consider voting for.

4/ are any of the tooth and claw nationalists that I grew up fighting with still out there, do any of you remember those shibboleths which were sacred to you?

No idea. But if I run into any I'll let them know you were asking for them.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...


Well Anna which is it; are you a liar or just plain stupid?

This is not a question about whether we should have a monarchy or not, it is nothing to do with whether a monarchy is a good or bad thing. It is a question about whether internal democracy exists in the Scottish National Party, a question of whether Alex Salmond can make party policy on his own without consulting anyone else, perhaps it’s too complicated for you.

The SNP were an avowed republican party until a wee while ago when Alex Salmond announced by dictat that the present Queen Elizabeth 11 would be head of a Scottish Independent State if the SNP win the independence referendum, thus disenfranchising thousands of his own members.

Many of these members want rid of the monarchy completely and many others want to reinstate the Stuarts as Scottish monarchs. I can only conclude that you are a fraud and a liar or too stupid to understand what this is about.

Anna Gibson said...

Well I'm not a liar so I guess that make me stupid. I apologise for causing any offence, it wasn't my intention to make you angry.

I'll have another go at your question. However I would point out that I'm only a voter rather than any kind of political activist so I might not get it right.

I was unaware that the SNP used to be a republican party. It is disappointing that they have changed this policy. If the change has occurred because Alex Salmond or others in the party leadership rode roughshod over the membership and stifled the majority view of the party then that is something I would oppose. I would far rather the policies of any party are decided by simple majority, so that as a voter I can be reasonably confident that should that party form a government the policy will be implemented.

Anyway. I hope I'll get better marks on my second go and thanks in advance for your continued courtesy and patience.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anna Gibson on COME ON YOU NATS, ALL TOGETHER NOW – “SCOTLAND HIS... on 24/04/12

“I was unaware that the SNP used to be a republican party. It is disappointing that they have changed this policy”

Come on Anna stop playing games. The SNP were formed a s a republican party they were and would still be one and “they” did not change this policy, he (the spiv Salmond) changed it, that’s what this post is about.
You can’t surely deny knowledge of Samond’s latest misdemeanours; sectarian bigoted candidates, wife beating candidates, Souter, Murdoch, Trump. Feel free to comment!