Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Down with Quarrier Homes workers – SNP/Libdem coalition show their anti union colours again.

19 / 09 /11 09.30 AM to the council chamber for a full council meeting, changed to a Monday by the SNP to accommodate their new MSP'S Mackay and Adam. We kicked off with a tribute to the late Provost; Labour's Ronnie Burns RIP and then saw a presentation by a delegation from the NHS on the future of the children's ward at the RAH, the usual things were said without the presenters giving anything away, medical considerations, consultation etc. safe to say the councillors were not impressed. Unfortunately we witnessed a shabby piece of opportunism by the SNP and Cllr. /MSP George Adam in particular, he attended the meeting of the campaign group to save the ward which I wrote about in my last post. At that meeting it was decided that a motion would be put to the Council demanding support from all councillors to help save the ward and Cllr./MSP Adam agreed with it: to avoid any accusations of political football it was also agreed that the people leading the campaign would choose the wording of the motion which they did. You can imagine the anger and disbelief therefore when the SNP and Cllr./MSP Adam and the hand ringing loathsome cllrs. from the LIbdems insisted on putting forward an amendment to that motion. No surprise for spotting that the vicious and discredited Cllr. McCartin was up to her neck in it, you can't get much lower than these people. Their reason for doing this which they will deny with a straight face was to make sure that the decision to support the campaign would go forward under their name rather than the names of the Labour councillors who proposed it, remember we put forward a motion written by the ward 15 campaign group we made it clear that it was theirs and not Labours we were acting as a conduit for the campaign but the SNP still blocked it for their own shabby political ends, in all my time in politics this SNP/Libdem coalition are the shallowest bunch of low lives I have come across, they bring shame on Scots. everywhere.

What followed was just as bad with the SNP/Libdem coalition acting like reactionary right wing Victorian Mill Owners and the Mills on this occasion was a children's charity known worldwide as Quarrier's Homes. Workers here are being forced to take a pay cut of between 3% and 23% we (Labour) put up a motion urging the council who use Quarriers services to back the staff in this dispute and the SNP/Libdem coalition said no and voted down the motion. They said they were doing this for two reasons one was that arbitration was ongoing which means they are either liars or incompetents because it's not and the Quarriers bosses have refused to negotiate and then the ex council leader Mackay SNP in an unabashed display of cynicism and right wing bias declared that because all the people employed were taking a cut it was none of the council's business. What he failed to say quite deliberately in a lie of omission was that senior management some on salaries exceeding £100,000 and a free house! yes you read that correctly were the ones losing 3% and some staff earning between £16,000 and £20,000 were the ones who will be losing up to 23% one SNP councillor Ken McLaren also voted to reject the motion to support the union and he ---wait for it, is employed by UNISON honestly I'm not making this up check for yourselves, dear readers these are the people who want to govern Scotland as an independent country, they are cut from the same cloth as Cameron, Osborne and Clegg. I urge everyone to reject the cowardly position of the SNP/Libdem Renfrewshire Council and do everything you can to support the Quarriers workers in their dispute, get on to the SNP/Libdem councillors and let them know in no uncertain terms that it's time for them to develop a backbone and stop grovelling to the bosses.

In another example of SNP/Libdem duplicity they tried through the strident hysterical Mackay SNP to accuse Labour of suggesting wrong doing on the part of officers because we are calling for a police enquiry into how £2Million to £2.5 Million pounds of council money was unaccounted for. He tried mighty hard to display his anger which is quite a funny sight really saying we are a disgrace for calling in to question the honesty and integrity of council officers which of course we did not but he forgot something which I felt obliged to remind him of, in a quite incredibly stupid way he accused us twice and I reminded him twice that the worst case of scurrilous accusations and contemptible behaviour towards council officers was carried out by his colleague the SNP'S Cllr. Nicolson who accused senior officers of nepotism he was at the time so enamoured with himself at learning this new word that he refused to withdraw it when given the chance, this vicious and spiteful outburst earned him a one year council ban from the Standards Committee. Along with many others I was amazed that the officers involved did not meet him in court. Mr. Nicolson is still in the SNP and is now convener of the planning board had he been in any other party he would have been out of politics but the SNP are not any other party are they?


Alexander said...

Quarriers made a loss of 1.2 million pounds and this year the loss is projected to be more.

If the organisation is to survive then this has to be addressed.

If you don't address it then the oganisation will go under and disappear.

Is this what Labour want? It would appear so.

No one likes to see pay cuts or loss of conditions but we are dealing with a privately run charitable organisation who appear to shunning job losses and trying to keep as many people employed as possible.

Surely this is the better of 2 evils unless you would like to draw 1.2 million out of your account to help them out.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Kenny McLaren voted to reject the motion as he didn't want to see 200 redundancies unlike you who seems to be happy with that alternative.

They will be calling you slasher Kelly soon

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Alexander on Down with Quarrier Homes workers – SNP/Libdem coal... at 15:33

People like you are nothing more than apologists for the powerful and wealthy when are you going to get off your knees.

You are supporting wage cuts of up to 23% for people earning between £16,000 and £20,000 while their bosses get over £100,000 and a free house! your position is untenable, you are political cowards.

You are speaking on behalf of SNP/Libdem councillors who have systematically made attack after attack on the most vulnerable people in Renfrewshire. Cllrs. who awarded rises of 23% to high earning council officers while their own full time staff have to rely on benefits, a mob whose ex leader Mackay stated publicly that the Tory/Libdem coalition Government at Westminster are getting the cuts “about right” political cowards who don’t have the backbone to identify themselves you must be so proud.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on Down with Quarrier Homes workers – SNP/Libdem coal... at 15:43

Why McLaren voted against his own union members is mystery which only he can explain if I was a member of his union I would probably want a word with him, perhaps some of the Quarriers union members will go along to his next surgery and ask him, I know I would. “I want to see 200 redundancies” are you one of those SNP political analysts? Better to stay in hiding under your tartan frock eh.

Anonymous said...

So which of these alternatves would you support Terry.

1. The pay cuts

2. The 200 job losses

If wouldn't support either then can you tell me how you would fix Quarriers financial postion i.e. last years loss of 1.2 million pounds and this years projected loss of even more than that.

If you wish to criticise the you must provide an alternative. I will be interesated to see how you would resolve this, however, as labour don't offer alternatives (as can be seen every year at budget time) I won't hold my breath.

Anonymous said...

It is unbelievable that we have here a Labour man advocating the loss of 200 jobs and yet here it is in black and white, or should I say red even.

You will be wanting to bring back the poll tax to Scotland next.

Watch out voters

Anonymous said...

so you would support the union proposals to sack 200 people? bearing in mind unison only represent less than 10% of the workforce.

you are a wee armchair socialist, go and pick up your wee state pension and spend it in farmfoods on deep fried mars bars and chips and leave reality to the rest of us who have to live in it.

Anonymous said...

only 8 months to go and the public will speak. SNP landslide predicted by the bookies.
any bets the rancid outpourings of terence kelly will become even more bizarre and extreme as the day of reckoning approaches?

they have other methods rather than drugs for dark depressive, bitter rants, it's called the ballot box.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on Down with Quarrier Homes workers – SNP/Libdem coal... on 21/09/11

There is an age old principle at stake here, one which the SNP and their rancid Libdem supporters a/ don’t understand and b/ are too cowardly to take up even if they did understand it and that is simply to fight back when union members are under attack. The SNP have no history whatsoever of industrial struggle because you are a single issue party, the Libdems stand for nothing that is why both of you will always sell out working people who are in a struggle. You are bosses lackeys.
Are you the SNP? the party who didn't produce a budget for 27 years do you think that has been forgotten?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on Down with Quarrier Homes workers – SNP/Libdem coal... on 21/09/11

The SNP will sell out the Quarriers workers just as they tried to sell out the teachers a couple of months ago just as they are selling out the janitorial staff right now you are tartan crawlers. Oh how the bosses love the SNP cowards.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on Down with Quarrier Homes workers – SNP/Libdem coal... on 21/09/11

There is nothing you can say, no lies you can tell that can hide the fact that you have failed the union members again just like you tried to do with the primary teachers and now the janitors. Fight for Scotland my Jim Royle you couldn’t fight sleep you don’t even have the guts to put your name to what you write.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on Down with Quarrier Homes workers – SNP/Libdem coal... on 21/09/11

There is nothing you can say, no lies you can tell that can hide the fact that you have failed the union members again just like you tried to do with the primary teachers and now the janitors. Fight for Scotland my Jim Royle you couldn’t fight sleep you don’t even have the guts to put your name to what you write.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on Down with Quarrier Homes workers – SNP/Libdem coal... on 21/09/11

Well let’s see then, perhaps there will be a huge crowd gathering to vote for you made up of parents whose children now have to walk to school because of SNP cuts, likewise kids who can no longer afford music lessons or primary teachers whom you tried to stab in the back or parents of primary pupils whom you also tried to stab in the back. What about elderly people whose wardens you removed and whose community halls you closed, how about the parents of kids who can no longer play football because of your price hikes, the people who work for the council whose burial insurance you scrapped they must be desperate to get voting for you, likewise parents and relatives of people with learning difficulties whose transport and wages you stole, I could go on but I’m sure you get my drift. You will possibly get a vote from the wealthy senior officers who got 23% wage rises from you lot when you rolled over to get your belly tickled by them while some of your own full time employees were surviving on benefits. Scotland the Brave right enough, SNP cowards and bosses lackeys is what you are.

Anonymous said...

The struggle? You sound like Alf Garnett. the only thing you struggle with is getting out of bed in the morn and putting on socks or do you have home help for that?

"Along with many others I was amazed that the officers involved did not meet him in court"

does this help? all you do is join up the dots and Hey Presto!

1. going to court normally involves swearing on oath.
2. it normally involves producing paperwork.
3. it normally involves witnesses who also swear an oath.
4. if you lie under oath you commit perjury.
5. if peoples responses are concerted then it can be classed as a conspiracy.

Are you keeping up?
the main reason why I suspect many people don't go to court is due to the fact that they normally have major weaknesses in their argument which would be ruthlessly exposed in the cold light of day.

but as a raging socialist Terry I am surprised you want to use the court system in this country as it is used by the middle classes to punish and supress the poor for not paying their telly licence.

Roll on the 'peoples courts' where justice is swift, cheap and helps terrorise the populace at the same time therefore efficient. Ask Fidel.

Anonymous said...

Calm down Terry, your blood pressure tablets need to work ten times harder when you constantly repeat yourself and vent your spleen. It's difficult bringing about a peoples revolution from your sofa and even more so if your fingers swell up and you can't punch the keys properly.

"I would probably want a word with him, perhaps some of the Quarriers union members will go along to his next surgery and ask him"

Is this what it would be like in Terryland? Socialist nirvana? where you incite people to pay others 'a visit' You are not allowed to hold different views, you are a member so you must support everything that it does? Terry regularly tells us he doesn't support everything the Labour party does. Oh dear more Rank hypocrisy, thuggery and tinges of Nazism.
You will be paid a visit in Terryland if you actually have an opinion of your own as you are not 'one of us'

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on Down with Quarrier Homes workers – SNP/Libdem coal... at 09:26

I don’t see anything here that would persuade me that the SNP are anything other than union scabs in tartan frocks.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

From Anonymous 22/09/11 09:26 am.

Anothere example of SNP cowardice – I have strong opinions about many things and I can tell you that if you and a hundred more like you don’t like them or even if you don’t like me you are welcome to come along to my surgery any time if you ever find the courage that is,

but that would mean you couldn’t hide wouldn’t it, we can’t have that can we in your brave new Scotland, brag, swagger and scab, but stay hidden – pathetic.