Friday, June 17, 2011


Can I speak directly to everyone and anyone who reads this Blog, I realize that some people quite inexplicably don't seem to like me and even more inexplicably disagree with things I say and causes I support, all part of life's rich tapestry I suppose. I am writing to you all in a cause which everyone of every political persuasion can hopefully support. Next Thursday Parliament will vote on whether to ban the use of wild animals in circuses. Like most of the public, we want the practice of wild animals travelling around the country for entertainment banned. They can't speak for themselves, so we must act for these majestic wild animals. And time is running out. There is an easy way for you to help. Ask your friends to pledge to support the banning of using wild animals in circuses, click here now. It will take only a few minutes>

After a year of delay the Tory-led Government still hasn't banned the use of wild animals in circuses. At first they said that it was because of a European court case – but it didn't exist. And now they're proposing a licensing scheme for wild animals in circuses – a proposal rejected by the RSPCA and British Veterinary Association on animal welfare grounds. We have to support a total ban, and we only have a week to make it happen.
94% of the British public want to see a ban – why hasn't the Tory-led Government taken action? Get your friends involved today– we only have a week to act
We've made a difference before with – we can't waste this opportunity to stop wild animals like lions, tigers, camels and bears being kept in cramped cages, and forced to perform.
There are seven days to act – make sure you play your part today – click here to ask your friends to support the ban on using wild animals in circuses
The vote in Parliament next Thursday is not whipped – it is a backbench sponsored debate – so all MPs can have their say about a ban.


Anonymous said...

In all the time that Labour were in power why didn't they ban this?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on “A ROBIN REDBREAST IN A CAGE - PUTS ALL HEAVEN IN ... on 18/06/11

A truly repulsive post from a truly revolting person, have you ever considered joining the human race? Here is a list of Labour’s achievements on animal welfare over our last 10 years in Government and we will do more when the opportunity presents itself. Having communicated with you I now feel an overwhelming urge to go and have a thorough wash. It’s difficult to imagine just what kind of lowlife you are.

* Banned fox hunting, hare coursing, hare hunting and stag hunting
* Banned fur farming and worked in Europe to ban imports of cat and dog fur into the EU.
* Banned driftnet fishing which helps protect dolphins, turtles, sea birds and other animals.
* Banned testing cosmetics, toiletries, alcohol and tobacco on animals.
* Since 1997 we have refused to license any testing on great apes (such as chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas).
* Established the National Centre for the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of Animals in Research which provides research into alternatives to animal testing.
* Secured better welfare standards at a European level for battery hens and meat chickens
* Tightened up rules on the transport of live animals across Europe.
* Secured an EU-wide ban on the trade in seal fur.
* Increased prison sentences for wildlife crime.
* Halted the decline in farmland birds, while increasing rare and woodland bird populations.
* Introduced a new duty of care on those who keep animals to ensure the needs of any animal for which they are responsible are met; while creating a new criminal offence of failing to provide for the needs of an animal.
* Introduced pet passports allowing you to take your pet abroad in the EU without the need for quarantine.

Anonymous said...

Answer the question and without abuse or ripping off quotes from the internet,

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on “A ROBIN REDBREAST IN A CAGE - PUTS ALL HEAVEN IN ... at 11:18

No – on behalf of all the animals who suffer in silence I would rather point out that you are a lowlife piece of scum. And just like the others you haven’t got the guts to come out of hiding; I think I smell a nationalist.

Anonymous said...

I'm not debating what you have done. That's all very well. Three cheers and a pat on the back.

What I am asking is why Labour chose not to help the travelling animals. It seems that increasing rare woodland bird populations was a higher priority for Labour than ending the suffering of these travelling animals.

That was of course until they were no longer in power and people such as yourself can see some political mileage in it.

For you information, I totally agree with what you are saying, but not why you are saying it.

If you felt this way about this subject why were you not vocal about it before and why did you not do something about it when you were in power.

Your motives on this post are highly suspect, however, they are rarely anything else.

I merely asked why Labour did not do anything about this when they were in power and you have dodged the question. Probably because you can't answer it!!
I think that it is you that is the lowlife Terry.

I am not a Nationalist. I don't really have any particular political leaning. In general terms you are all as bad as each other, however, in more specific terms. Your party are the worst.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on “A ROBIN REDBREAST IN A CAGE - PUTS ALL HEAVEN IN ... at 16:30

You are a low life b*****d and I’ll tell you why. I wrote an article sympathetic to the plight of circus animals asking people to support the campaign to relieve their suffering and your response was to attack the Labour Party. You are a no mark and no mistake.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, just why didn't Labour impose a ban when they were in office ..? Stop b**********g and answer the bloody question.

And, just to make your day even brighter, amongst the acknowledged leaders of conservation is HRH, Prince Philip...!

David Duff said...

I was just beginning a hissy fit because you had actually raised a topic which, by and large, I agree with and, as you can imagine, finding myself in agreement with Councillor Kelly is for me the equivalent of standing in a midden, but then I read your responses to your anonymous commenter in answer to the not unreasonable question he raised because you had chosen to make it a party political matter. So vile, abusive and insulting was your response that I don't care if 50 lions are beaten and starved to death by Hungarian circus owners, I wouldn't support anything you proposed if there were gold bars on offer!

Cllr Terry Kelly said...


You were doing OK by your own standards until you wrote this bit. “I wouldn't support anything you proposed if there were gold bars on offer! That kind of hyperbole could get you kicked out of the Royal Sycophantic Society; blackballed by Phil. the Greek, the world’s greatest social security scrounger and celebrated killer of animals and birds.

And BTW the remarks about the Tory / Libdem Government were not mine but; I apologise; I should have made it clearer where the text came from particularly when dealing with you.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

You have showed yourself as a liar and been caught out, you are concerned with your own anti Labour agenda and couldn’t care less about suffering animals.

Prince Philip is a leader of conservation and Dracula is a patron of the blood transfusion service.

Alan said...

Someone asks a simple one line question asking why Labour did not act on this and you then label that person as


This person did not abuse or insult you.

Are you saying that merely asking a question that you cannot answer makes that question REPULSIVE and makes the person asking the question REVOLTING and deserving of the tag "LOWLIFE" and "SCUM"

I think you should take a long hard look at yourself Councillor.

you are not fit to represent anyone with such an attitude.

Incidentally, the question was a very poignant one. Why can you not provide an answer to it?

Anonymous said...

"Today at a news conference attended by His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh, World Wildlife Fund Canada recognized his 20 years of hard work to conserve nature, by launching The Duke of Edinburgh Fund to Protect Canada's Waters - some of the most abundant and least protected in the world."

"Prince Philip has traveled some 150,000 kilometres to attend over 100 WWF-Canada events since 1980, including news conferences for each of the four areas which will first benefit from the new fund. While he has helped WWF establish more than 1,000 Canadian protected areas on land in the last decade alone"

Extract from news article in 2001.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...


All the questioner and you as well had to do was either agree with the request to help suffering animals and he/she chose instead to attack the Labour Party and you are no better.

You are both quite willing to use the plight of animals who are suffering to attack me or the Labour Party. Now how would you describe someone like that, scum, revolting, lowlife? You choose.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on “A ROBIN REDBREAST IN A CAGE - PUTS ALL HEAVEN IN ... at 12:06

“his 20 years of hard work”

Neither Prince Philip nor any other Royal parasite has ever done a day’s work let alone a hard day’s work in their lives. On the other hand he has been an enthusiastic killer of all kinds of creatures for fun for most of his useless embarrassing existence.

Anonymous said...

Point of information in all this. This campaign was NOT instigated by the Labour Party. There are lots of people from different perspectives who support this campaign.
Go to the Peta website. A lot more relevant info there!

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on “A ROBIN REDBREAST IN A CAGE - PUTS ALL HEAVEN IN ... at 16:29
Your point of information is fair enough but I never claimed it was from the Labour Party someone else accused me of politicising it when all I did was copy most of it on to the blog. It was sent to me because I have been involved before with these campaigns and they know I write a blog. FFS just do as they ask before you miss the deadline.

Maureen said...

"Your point of information is fair enough but I never claimed it was from the Labour Party someone else accused me of politicising it when all I did was copy most of it on to the blog."

So why does your post have 3 links that direct people to Labour websites.

Your post is obviously political motivated and if anyone is exploiting the suffering of these animals it is you.

Otherwise you would be promoting a non political website and campaign such as PETA.

You are indeed a charlatan.

Did Labour do anything to help these animals when they were in power and had the chsnce to do so?

The answer is a resounding "NO"

Anonymous said...

Terry, don't post until the tablets have kicked in.

Why didn't Labour ban this? you only had what 13 years.......... but you had enough time to keep supplying weapons to Syria, Jordan, Saudia Arabia, Libya and every other human rights abusing country.....poor old Robin Cook another ethical policy that lasted all of five minutes with Labour.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on “A ROBIN REDBREAST IN A CAGE - PUTS ALL HEAVEN IN ... at 11:04

I find it quite significant that you are prepared to wander almost anywhere rather than admit that attacking Labour means more to you than a straight forward request to help suffering animals.

Anonymous said...

Not sure you noticed, but this Bill is proposed by Mark Pritchard... a Tory back-bencher.

A Tory initiative, supported by Kelly!!

It's three Hail Stalin's and a fortnight's sackcloth and ashes for you, Kelly my boy

Anonymous said...

You castigate the Government for ignoring the 94% of the public you claim want to ban circus animals. This figure neatly coincides with the number who want to bring back hanging.

Should politicians take note of public opinion in both instances ?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on “A ROBIN REDBREAST IN A CAGE - PUTS ALL HEAVEN IN ... on 23/06/11

“Not sure you noticed, but this Bill is proposed by Mark Pritchard... a Tory back-bencher”

Let me enlighten you; I didn’t know it was proposed by a Tory; I saw no need to check, there is a message in there for you but I doubt you will see it. Hail Stalin indeed; for saving us from fascism.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on “A ROBIN REDBREAST IN A CAGE - PUTS ALL HEAVEN IN ... on 23/06/11

94% of the public want to bring back hanging? You are a liar and an idiot.

Anonymous said...

"Liar and an idiot"...An idiot maybe... but a liar?

Are you claiming the majority of voters are not in favour of hanging?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

By Anonymous on “A ROBIN REDBREAST IN A CAGE - PUTS ALL HEAVEN IN ... on 24/06/11

No, but you are a liar and an idiot.

kar tea said...

Wow, just like the Democrats and Republicans over here.
Everything gets reduced to name calling.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...


Well what do you expect, we are both capitalist countries. I think you will find though that we are still lagging behind the USA when it comes to shooting our political opponents.