I sat in Paisley town hall 2 weeks ago and looked around me at the vast crowd of angry people, every seat taken and approx. 500 locked outside as the campaign to overthrow Renfrewshire SNP/libdem plans to remove primary teachers and replace them with sessional workers reached a crescendo. The final nail in the coffin of these irresponsible ruthless proposals took place yesterday at a full council meeting when the SNP/Libdem plan to make Primary School cuts was scrapped. Parents looked on with dignified satisfaction as the SNP led coalition ate the humble pie which has been heading in their direction for a couple of months, these parents will never trust them again. Come the election will parents be saying "wasn't it nice of those SNP/Libdem politicians to listen to us" or will they be saying something like this "vote for them SNP/Libdems ! you are kidding, remember what they tried to do with our children's education, let's make sure they don't get the chance to do something like that again" my money's on the latter version. The SNP/Libdem coalition was quite simply humiliated by the power of the parent/teacher campaign, one which I was proud to support along with the rest of my Labour Colleagues.
The SNP/Libdem coalition demonstrated how to lose badly and without any dignity as they snarled and scowled their way through the proceedings and the parents cherished it. Mackay made an unctuous speech where he tried to claim credit for "listening" to the parents, rather late I'm afraid. I can't find a single person who does not agree that this decision was taken because the parents forced them to back down. That and a cynical deceitful attempt to limit the damage to Mackay's Holyrood electoral chances, a good example of a politician on the make showing rat like cunning but, the people are not that daft, they can see through a cellophane politician like Mackay anytime. Education Convener SNP Cllr. Cameron continues to believe that hostile stares and growling at people are good debating tools, a chance to hear what these parents actually think of her behaviour would quickly disavow her of that fantasy. Her conduct and her ugly, lurid late night comments on the internet have brought complete shame on her
The figure of gruesome mirth that is Libdem leader Eileen McCartin however has no serious political ambitions and she was as conceited and tactless as ever as she remained defiant and let the parents and everyone know that she stood by the proposals. The parents, teachers, unions, educational experts, Head Teachers, members of the public, the Labour group, the Tory group, council officers who admitted it was wrong and "uncle Tom Cobley n all" We are all incapable of understanding like her; if only we had her clarity of vision, her superior intelligence we would see what she sees, that it is a good idea. This bizarre woman is running for Holyrood, I think this will be her 8th. or 9th. attempt at a Parliamentary election so the people of Renfrewshire will have yet another chance to recognise the talent, the ability, the charm, the indefatigability of the woman who is Eileen McCartin she could finish up on Strictly Come Dancing, a kind of Scottish Ann Widdicome if you will; without the brains of course.
Has anyone ever; like me wondered about the Libdem selection procedure for Parliamentary candidates? The SNP are pretty ghastly and quite pathetic as we see the same candidates (all serial losers) cropping up at each election Doig, Adam, Lawson, ex cllr. and real SNP man 'Old Bill Martin' etc. recycled has beens all of them but none of them can hold a candle to the Queen of the losers Eileen McCartin. she must be closing in on the record for most electoral gubbings held by Screaming Lord Sutch of the Monster Raving Loony Party. The fact is there is no bigger monster and no raving loony who can match her. Her automatic candidacy begs the question who else is a member of the Libdems in Renfrewshire? If there are any others has it never occurred to them that she has never been a credible candidate and has been a figure of ridicule for years? Oh and did you know that she is the deputy leader of Renfrewshire Council, honestly she is, check it for yourselves. What must the calibre of members in the Libdems be like? The mind boggles; no one is better than her! Can that possibly be true? Or as we all suspect is she really that scary?
Think you must have a wee fancy for Cllr mcCartin as you can't stop talking about her!!!!! How sad that someone can get to you so much!
Did you catch Jamies Dream School on Channel 4 , not a teacher in site????
Honestly, I don't know why you are not feted as a modern day Socrates or Aristotle. Such depth, such insight, obviously the public paying for your education wasn't wasted. Were the teachers having a fag break when you turned up?
Hello Terry
Everything you say about Mackay is
spot-on. A boy trying to do a man's
job, not that he knows what a job is as he has never done a day's work in his life. I hope his wee circle of old ladies who think he is such a nice young man have had their eyes opened with his recent
activities. Keep up the good work.
I too was there and my family and friends.
There is no doubt that the vast majority of attendees were teachers and their families and friends!
The estimate was around 90% (minimium) teachers and family members. We have won this battle!
Teachers will not accept this assault on their terms and conditions.
We have fought too long to achieve the working conditions that we now have and we will not give this up without a fight.
Teachers wil not accept our jobs being violated
By robert swipe on A MESSAGE FOR CLLRS. MACKAY, CAMERON AND MC CARTIN... on 03/03/11
Either you don’t know her or you are cut from the same cloth as she is, which makes you rather pathetic.
Is it wise of you to question the calibre of LibDem politicians...I mean, look at Jim Devine and Elliot Morley, both doing time.
Please dont give the opposition people such an easy riposte
Since when have the vast majority of today's heavily Hibernianised working class Scots displayed any interest in diligent application to scholastic matters?
The school leaving age needs to be reduced to 14. If the over -numerous, bastardy - prone, spawn of underclass sexual incontinence require tertiary education they can follow in the footsteps of the son of Labour's Col Gadaffi and plagiarise a PhD.
I am feted enough as it is but, Socrates knew from an early age that “Good habits formed at youth make all the difference” that inspired him to become one of Brazil’s greatest ever players. Ya twat ye!
I think MacKay has been found out and he is now a figure of derision, it was only a matter of time, he has been promoted way beyond his abilities and those left in the SNP after the next election will make him pay if doesn’t escape through the back door of PR to Holyrood
I agree with you and wish you well and I congratulate you and everyone who joined the campaign, it was inspiring and the town hall meeting was the best there has been for many years. Those in the know say that the town hall meeting was the straw which broke the SNP/Libdem camel’s back that was the moment when Salmond picked up the phone to Mackay and told him to cut and run which of course being the principled man that he is he was only too willing to do.
He couldn’t wait to quit, not because he was persuaded by parents but because he was scared by the parents and what they would do to his Holyrood ambitions. He acted out of 100% expediency and lack of moral fibre, he tried to save his own skin and to hell with the children but, you should be vigilant, they did not like being humiliated by people whom they sneered at by saying they didn’t understand what was going on with the proposed changes, they will be looking for revenge.
I find any comparison between any number of politicians in Jail and what the Libdems have done to be completely spurious. Hundreds of thousands of poor, underprivileged people, pensioners, the NHS, the homeless, those with learning difficulties etc. will suffer because of the vile actions and lies of the LIbdems there is no comparison.
Were you up for Barnsley? That’s what they deserve and that’s what they are going to get.
Or they could follow in the footsteps of our very own Teutonic Royal Family of inbred cretins none of whom have ever done a day’s work in their lives who, despite having to use both hands to find their own arses all attended Oxbridge and are worth millions of pounds, (our pounds by the way Jimmy)
In Hibernia “by the way” you oaf; they had language, music and culture when people here were still painting themselves blue and nicking each other’s cattle.
It's a shame this idea has been abandoned without even a trial. If we took this attidude to the rest of our lives we would still be in caves grunting at each other wondering how to catch our next meal. The teachers have put paid to what could or might have enhanced my children's education without even giving it a go. They only care about their cosy jobs and pensions, short working hours and long holidays.
""Teachers will not accept this assault on their terms and conditions.
We have fought too long to achieve the working conditions that we now have and we will not give this up without a fight.
Teachers wil not accept our jobs being violated""
Seems its not about the children after all !!
“teachers have put paid to what could or might have enhanced my children's education without even giving it a go”
I have great sympathy with any child who has a parent who thinks that this was anything to do with enhancing a child’s education.
With a parent as stupid and gullible as that a child will struggle to attain anything educationally.
Teachers will have to be vigilant, this Government will destroy education for everyone except the rich if we let them away with it and the SNP/Libdems have shown that they are not the ones to defend our education system.
Education is the most important thing in the life of any child and teachers are therefore 'de facto' vital, their wages and conditions should be enhanced not attacked.
Are you not capable of thinking outside the box??? you have been brain washed into thinking that teachers are the only people that children learn from. wake up and smell the coffee, this proposal was and is forward thinking but why would labour understand that. You live for the status quo, god forbid Renfrewshire should lead the way in anything! you are the party with no aspirations and no ideas. You had 27yrs in power and ran a once proud Paisley into the ground. I know you will just respond that I am an SNP supporter, or thick or even a woman!! but who cares. Go on surprise me with what you would do if you were in power, not what you wouldn't do!! PS I note you have paid tribute to Wendy and wished her well?????????
I think the public can see that this LibNat Administration is made of straw like Cllr Chicken George Adams, man of straw; we have a councillor calling fellow councillors "Paw Bags" from a former cleaner and quiz mistress. A leader who's mouth is moist with anticipation for his Edinburgh list place, who will be seated next to the olde enemy Alec Salmond, poor Brucie must look on with dry eyes, at his former employee who asked for much but delivered little, this talent less non entity of a boay expects the public to take him seriously, he represents everything artificial in today’s politics, cllrs like Terry Kelly are forged of experience, have talents that have grown with time and age, Mr McKay with his off the peg suits, pre -ordered specs, wet rinsed hair and limp hand shakes really put people off politics, Mr McKay is so sincere that his is insincere, his bottom can't wait to sit in Edinburgh but the question on everyone’s lips is, wait for it, will he do two jobs, take home two pay-packets, work in Edinburgh, while trying to show interest in Renfrewshire, the public have a right to know these things, so Mr McKay, we know that you view this site on an hourly basis, answer the question, for once in your life, show you have a backbone.
The public awaits.
“Are you not capable of thinking outside the box???”
I am capable of thinking outside the box and I did and found that these proposals were duplicitous and deceitful, I regard them as a cynical attempt to cover up their intentions to cut education provision. There are only 2 types of people that I have come across who speak in favour of these proposals, SNP/Libdem supporters or idiots, you by the sound of it probably qualify as both.
I think most people who know me or read this blog would know what I would do if I were in power, I’ve made it plain often enough. I have paid tribute to Wendy and wished her well.
By Anonymous on Q - TO CLLR. MACKAY SNP, LEADER OF RENFREWSHIRE CO... on 07/03/11
The only “big Richard” I can think of is Richard Manser so if you mean him I can tell you that I met him recently at a meeting called in support of the Palestinians so, the answer would be yes. He remains as genial as ever and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you asking him such questions personally.
By madmitch@hotmail.com on A MESSAGE FOR CLLRS. MACKAY, CAMERON AND MC CARTIN... on 07/03/11
I think that the public are well down the road of seeing through chancers like Mackay and the rest of the SNP/Libdum coalition. I note that Cllr. Cameron said that the language she used which you quote above was based on an old Scots. Dictionary description? Perhaps she shouldn’t tweet at 12:00 midnight; she was probably a bit tired.
I think Mackay will wait to see if he gets a Holyrood seat and if he does he will quit as a councillor if he doesn’t he will continue as a councillor, a very predictable cowardly position from someone who is completely out of his depth.
I hear the SNP scheme was to include teaching healthy eating and self respect. No wonder you were so against it.
I suppose you, Kelly, are taking refuge in the 'Land of Saints and Scholars' mythology. For a start, even by your own cultural (if not absolutist) Roman Catholic lights, you have to be dead to qualify as a member of the latter group.
As for the so -called Scholars, well they qualified if they happened to be literate. Still stupid though, these Papist holy men ,and for this reason - they represented the highest IQ group in Ireland and did not breed successors to transmit their superior (from a low base) genes.
Now we know why Irish - descended 'Scots' comprise 15% of Scotland's general populace and 30% of the prison inmate population.
You appear to have 2 problems here one is the rather Neanderthal mix of sectarianism and fascism and the other renders you a complete idiot. You see you set out to insult the intelligence of Irish Catholics and while doing so you prove incapable of distinguishing between what is former and what is latter. This is a collector’s item and is typical of your kind.
You do realise do you not, no scrub that you probably don’t realise that that question could be put to any political candidate who ever lost an election, still it takes a special kind of dim wit to come up with it.
Can I also take it that you agree then that using your logic (look it up)I must be an excellent councillor because I have never been beaten in an election? Are you the intellectual SNP figure behind their policy group? I say again and not for the first time, is it any wonder you people prefer anonymity.
"I must be an excellent councillor because I have never been beaten in an election?"
If a used toilet roll holder stood for Labour in your area it would gain bigger majority than you.
How dare you call me a fascist? Fascism is for Italian shopkeepers. I am a NAZI. Yes that's correct, a national socialist of the Left. The idea that Nazis are right wing is nonsense. We are to the right of your beloved default political position of Judeo-Communism, of course, but still of the Left.
You don't know much about politics, do you?
it’s accepted as general wisdom that a period of silence is best when you have made a monumental clown of yourself. Always willing to help.
“You don't know much about politics, do you?”
I know enough to know that Nazis don’t cower behind anonymity.
Mr Kelly.
There once was a Cllr called Del, who didn't feel very well.
Why are you sad, he was asked, "that Dave, led me astray, oh I'll make him pay", he said he would beat that Roy, Oh I was forgetting Dave can be so stuck up, I thought he would muck it up.
Wee Dave your head so shinny, your suit so tight, I thought you would have gave a better fight, rather that taking flight in the middle of the night.
The voters did say " go away one so bold, no your win wasn't foretold, Lorraine did confess, that she did make rather a mess, Dave said, I can give more, even though your heads are all so sore.
Dr Bill, did cheer, only to see Doig sneer, I though Dave would win; now I see his career in the Bin.
Del said don't cry, I'll pay you in May, once I'm on my way. Dave did moap; all the people think I'm a dope. I wish Roy well, pity he never fell.
Oh well Dave said, I'll be back next year, just in time to sneer.
Dave started his campaign full of gay abandon, Look at me I'm so bright, some people think I'm full of s****.
Wee Alec from Edinburgh, did phone Del,and gave out such a yell, "I thought you said we would win, and now your futures in doubt, maybe a post in charge of the roads, or looking after other peoples toads.
Del went home alone, he tried to smile even though he felt low, I wish Lorraine hadn’t of stood on my toe.
Wee Dave got home, oh how he gave out a moan when he found out Jim’ll fix it on the phone, “Jim I wrote to you and asked to be a Councillor” now I’ll be lucky if I get a job as a ballroom dancer.
Now, then Now Then said Jim, there’s something’s even I can’t get done!
Everyone mentioned here except Roy is an embarrassment to elected politics, the SNP are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Mackay and Cameron in powerful positions while both completely out of their depth, Dr. Bill a figure of fun and Doig a serial loser, a mob of nonentities. Is wee Dave related to William Hague?
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