Tuesday, January 09, 2007


The fellow who writes the above blog takes some beating for pomposity - try it out if you are having trouble sleeping. He complains that I spelt his name wrongly and I also spelt the name of our national drink wrongly, ( he has decided that whiskey is our national drink) Anyway I've taken this too far as they say on Still Game, so I will now spell his name properly if he agrees to change his blog name to represent something closer to the truth. How about it Mr. Ferrar ? how about "BUCKFAST & FREEDOM"


Anonymous said...

I've had a look at his blog whilst I don't agree with all you say at least you are open to debate and challenge. He hides behind the warped notion that blogging allows you to say what you think without being called to justify your opinions or stand up to be counted. It begs the question what does he fear?. The answer is no doubt nothing but him/her self and democracy. The biggest challenge to our society is to uphold the principals of democracy. However democracy comes with a cost and that is to be accountable for your actions and for your opinions to stand the test of scrutiny. No doubt being able to blog without being challenged gives him/her a sense of power which gives him/her a degree of emotional/ psychological satisfaction. He/she needs to be rooted out and exposed to the real world as do all those othewr anonymous posters to your blog. They are probably those people who are in society but not part of it they skulk around the internet afraid of humanity.They are the very people that a whole nation fell pray to in the 1930's. Keep up he good work.

RfS said...

Whisky is the de-facto "National Drink" of Scotland, although despairing dentists may make a strong case for Irn Bru.

However he is right to complain. Scotch is spelt without an E, Irish is spelt with an E. It is a matter of some pride that we can differentiate the glorious Speyside malts from the nasty stuff they produce over the water.

And before you get into your full AutoRant about "show me the proof" can I just say that this is an accepted convention that has existed for more time than anyone cares to remember. As a result your attitude to this simply makes you look a bit bigoted against someone who does not share your views.

Also please note that I am a bit of a Whisky pedant and even if you were John Hawkins himself I would still be writing this correction.

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

RFS - You should think about wearing a big bull's eye target, so easy are you to hit. Having worked in a distillery for five miserable years I can assure you that your 'pride' in the Speyside Malts does not make you a pedant, it makes you a gullible 'mark' for the whisky marketing men. 'National Drink' my A--- do yourself a favour and read some stuff on marketing theory eg to make Scotch Whisky sell better add the word Royal somewhere. Yes it's rubbish but at least it's Scottish rubbish.

RfS said...

Which distillery? Given that you are a Paisley man I doubt you have ever worked in Speyside?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

RFS - have you ever heard of 'when you are in a hole stop digging' along with friends and family I spent approx 10 yrs holidaying in a place called 'Boat of Garten' right in the heart of the Spey Valley and I've done all the Distillery tours before I learned sense - my Paisley employers were William Grant & Sons who had distilleries in Girvan and Dufftown
( Speyside ) where they make one of 'the greats' 'Glenfiddich' much as I despise your views, as a humanitarian I would council you not to drink this muck, remove the paint from your doors with it, yes, but don't drink it. I have fond memories of bringing their operations to a grinding halt with a bitter two month strike, which we won and many were politicised, people like you wouldn't undestand that it's called solidarity.

RfS said...

I would understand the concept of "solidarity", I have a bond of solidarity with a "happy few" fordged on the paddock but I would doubt you would understand that kind of kinship.

So lets review then? You claim to have worked for a paltry 5 years in the industry, have done "all the tours" and yet you misspell the blog name (twice). Is this deliberate on your part? And if so then what does that tell us about your pomposity?

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

RFS - Do you and your 'happy few' meet to watch porn together ? you get 'the greater share of dishonour' for that. Did I spell the blog name wrongly on purpose ? well, not much gets past you does it ? or Mr. Ferrer eh. does that make me pompous ? no, it just shows how easy it is to make fools of you.

Anonymous said...

Spelling a guy's name wrong makes a fool of someone, but it isn't the person whose name is being misspelled.

- Josh

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

wild pegasus - it took rightforscotland and the very important Mr. Ferrer several weeks to catch on. That, I'm afraid does make them look silly. Why should that upset you so ? you really must be quite insecure to react like that, ok I'm wounding with humour, taking the p--- get a life !

Anonymous said...

I seriously dislike the way you use the word Buckfast in the proposed title 'BUCKFAST AND FREEDOM'.

As you well know, only poor wee disadvantaged weans - of about ages 13 to 19 - drink the Buckie and you are only slagging it off because they are fair game.

And you call yourself a socialist? You should hang your head in shame(!)

Cllr Terry Kelly said...

tenement tory - on buckfast - consider me suitably chastised.