Tuesday, October 18, 2016


The sustained attacks on Jeremy Corbyn accusing him of anti Semitism are nonsensical and desperate, nonsensical because he has an unblemished history of unwavering opposition to any kind of racism, sectarianism or bigotry. They are also desperate because they are being hysterically pursued by Israeli Zionists and the reason for that should bring reassurance to Labour and Corbyn supporters. Anyone who clings to the fiction that Corbyn is unelectable should consider carefully why this is happening, it is clear that when it comes to Corbyn's electability there is certainly one very powerful and influential group who know that he is electable and that is the Israeli Zionists. The last thing they want to see is a UK Labour Prime Minister with a long and honourable record of support for the Palestinian cause, hence the slurs and false accusations against him. Their accusations however are becoming less and less credible and the fact that they emanate from the same old sources marks them as completely contrived.