Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Thank you to my SNP readers who have pointed out that the SNP have been in power since 2008 not 2005 as I mistakenly said i.e. they have been in power for 8 years, this of course makes their record worse than what I first claimed, this is a statement of fact.

In the 8 years since 2007 the budget for Scottish GP’s has been slashed by £1 Billion, another statement of fact.

The NHS is a devolved matter and is the preserve of The Scottish Parliament at Holyrood, that is another statement of fact.

The SNP have let down, and are letting down, the people of Scotland in matters of the NHS. That is my opinion, just saying ken?.  


During the referendum the SNP stitched Scotland’s future to the price of oil, anytime anyone cast doubt on the wisdom of this policy they were loudly shouted down by calls of ‘project fear’ and ‘talking down Scotland’ the SNP were lying, and oil went down the toilet right after the referendum and they still desperately say they were right. Now we see another 5,500 jobs being lost in the oil industry and companies closing, and still they try to lie to us. 
They then brazenly wrapped themselves again in the pathetic blue paint of braveheart making it look like ‘Fracking’ would only happen over their dead bodies. Now it turns out that they were lying again and they told the billionaire privateers that they, (the SNP) were not really against Fracking at all, these enormous lies have caught up with them as well as they continue to blatantly pile one lie on top of another, insulting the acumen of the people of Scotland as they do so.
Over the last couple of days we have been hearing how their claims to get rid of PFI and replace it with something which does not allow the private sector to rip off the people has also bounced like a rubber cheque. That turns out to be another massive lie as we find out now that the reported details of the ‘SFT’ the Scottish Futures Trust is set to actually cost the Scottish people more. This ‘SFT’ is the rebranded system of PFI which the SNP mendaciously claimed would stop the private sector from profiteering.

Along with many others I predicted that the “hill of beans” which the SNP were selling were lies and they would be found out, and it’s happening already and, it is picking up pace. Oil price lies, Fracking lies, PFI lies and no doubt there is much more to come. I am certain that the snp’s handling of the Scottish Health Service, The Scottish Fire Service, The Scottish Police Force, The Prison Service, Local Services and much more will haunt them as the people bit by painful bit realise that the SNP’s policy of telling massive lies is likely to fail. Salmond knew what he was doing when he got Sturgeon crowned when he did. Scotland now has plenty of time to repent at leisure as it painfully comes to terms with its political blunder.         

Saturday, July 25, 2015


“Sturgeon Demands To Know If GCHQ Is Spying On Scottish MPs”
The above headline is from this morning’s news, I have checked the date and it’s not April the 1st and it is presented with no trace of spoof or absurdity. Scotland’s First Minister; the SNP’S Nicola Sturgeon does not know if GCHQ, the UK “Government Communication Headquarters” is spying on Scottish MP’S!. Non Scottish MP’S as always don’t come in to it. Do bears s**t in the forest I hear you shout, is The Pope a Catholic?, will Lionel Messi develop in to a good football player?. I didn’t know she was a heavy drinker did you?.

When the laughter and ridicule fades, I hope the people of Scotland will consider the serious side of this because there is in fact a serious side. N.B. Spying on MP’s is OK as long as they are not Scottish it seems, just like unemployment, poor housing and serious crime are OK, as long as it’s not in Scotland.  This is what makes nationalism a disease. It beggars belief that someone like Ms. Sturgeon can be involved in politics for as long as she has and become leader of her party and not be aware of the activities of GCHQ. Is she an innocent abroad? an idiot? or is her outrage a synthetic stunt?.

Nicola Sturgeon and her minders are once again demonstrating their contempt for the Scottish people. She clearly thinks that we are dumb enough to believe her manufactured outrage, if she really doesn't know the answer to her own conniving mendacious question she should not be in the job she is is in, and that is where the seriousness comes in. There is no doubt that she knows all about GCHQ and its activities and she is arrogant enough to think that she can say anything she likes to get some publicity for herself, and her opinion of us is that we are too simple to see through what she is about. She abuses the Scottish people at her peril, when will the people catch on?.   

Tuesday, July 21, 2015


For all of you Scottish nationalists who can't bring themselves to face the truth, the cybernats, those in denial, the ones with their fingers in their ears, the Nazi sympathisers, the anti English racists and the downright violent nutters, here is something you should see.   

Sunday, July 19, 2015


The revelations about the snp just keep on coming. The latest two are 1/ snp lies about Fracking and 2/ Rank hypocricy over Alex Salmond’s business contacts. The boss of Ineos whom salmond colluded with to undermine the Scottish Trade Unionists during the Grangemouth dispute Mr. Jim Ratcliffe states unequivocally that “the SNP Government is not opposed to fracking” and he further states that “the shale gas industry could be up and running on a commercial scale by 2018”. Is it just me or is that not the impression given by the snp before the election?, should they be in the dock with Mr. Carmichael?. The snp heid yins know of course that there are not many bad situations that the intervention of Winnie Ewing’s boay Fergie can’t make worse and here he is proving it again as he says ‘there will be a moratorium on fracking’ closely followed by the hapless John Swinney who declared that he wanted The Scottish Government to get the revenue from onshore fracking. Do they ever meet? speak? email? Carrier pigeon would be an improvement on this rabble. Labour’s stance on this is by contrast unambiguous and cogent.     

“ would introduce a triple-lock system to halt any onshore fracking taking place in Scotland until environmental and health safeguards are in place, including a local referendum before final planning approval is given” Shadow Energy Minister Labour MSP Lewis Macdonald.

The snp have again been caught hiding the truth, they have some explaining to do.

Qatar is “a far off place of which we know very little” to probably misquote Neville Chamberlain. Not so in the case of Alex (del boy) Salmond, his experience and intimate knowledge of the place and it’s medieval rulers is, almost encyclopaedic according to papers released under Freedom of Information the other day at the request of Labour MSP Neil Findlay. Salmond and his bag carrier Humza Yousaf  snp MSP spent a jolly good time meeting with the unelected ministers of the Gulf state, home and away, our money it seems was no object as salmond propositioned business men, grey robed Qatar officials and the obligatory military types to venues like Edinburgh Castle, the Ryder cup golf at Gleneagles and the military tattoo.      

Qatar unfortunately for “Del boy” Salmond is an absolute Monarchy with an appalling record in human rights and allegations of human rights abuses ‘including worker’s deaths in the run-up to the 2022 football World Cup. In a gut wrenching touch of Irony Salmond now finds himself the snp’s foreign affairs spokesman

The minister’s ‘batman’ Yousaf apparently went missing on a 3 day trip to this country where “some” people enjoy “wealth beyond the dreams of avarice” while others are kept as slaves, he still hasn’t explained his disarearance, perhaps he is a secret agent?. Despite international concern from such as Amnesty International Mr. Salmond and Mr. Yousaf did not see fit to mention the issue of human rights to their fabulously wealthy hosts when they were in their desert kingdom?.
Qatar is a medieval place where life is cheap if you are poor. Homosexuality is punishable by death, as is adultery (for women of course), public flogging and stoning for drinking alcohol and for women who dress inappropriately and many other horrors are the norm.

I have visited Auschwitz twice; it is a small picturesque Polish village where the people are lovely and welcoming, it is a short stroll from the more famous Auschwitz, I couldn’t help asking myself did the villagers know?, I visited Berlin, one of the world’s great and most sophisticated cities and asked myself the same question, did the ordinary Germans know?. Is it possible that politicians who deal with Qatar don’t actually know about it?.   

Friday, July 17, 2015


An interesting article, fit to drive the flag waving bigots daft or even dafter. 

2015 Thursday 16TH posted by Morning Star
Of all the things to be proud of in life, an accident of birth isn’t one of them, muses JON TAYLOR
Across Europe the tide of nationalism is on its way back in after a low period, and it seems to have picked up the traditional flotsam of jingoism, xenophobia and casual racism from an outflow pipe en route. But, unpleasant though these are, what’s really confusing is that somehow a default position has developed whereby we’re all supposed to be proud of our nationality.
Why on earth would you be proud of being British? I don’t mean that being British is a bad thing — clearly it’s fantastic, in a relative global sense. Most of us aren’t ever going to risk starvation, drowning in a typhoon, having our tongue lopped off for criticising the head of state or being eaten by a bear. We live in a developed country, with some public services that are almost up to scratch — though subject to change during the next five years of Tory rule.
But to be proud of a nationality acquired through accident of birth? Really? How little must you have to be proud of in your own life that the act of being born in a particular place is a source of pride to you? I’m British. I’m also 5'10" tall. It would clearly be ridiculous to be proud of my height, but I had about as much control over my height as I did over my nationality. To put this into perspective, I gained my nationality before I gained control over my bowels.
You can be grateful you were lucky enough to be born British. You may well feel you have a lot of shared ground with other Brits. You might even support one of our uninspiring national sports teams, but surely you should save your pride for something you’ve achieved yourself, something you’ve fought for, or at least something to which you’ve contributed more than carbon dioxide and other bodily waste products.
If you’re proud to be British, would you have to feel ashamed if you lived somewhere less fortunate? If you hold a Syrian passport, should you have to accept some sort of blame for the fact that the country now resembles a piece of Swiss cheese dropped on the beach at Fukushima (by which I mean it’s sandy, full of holes and probably lethal to humans within 20 minutes)? Of course you wouldn’t feel ashamed, unless you’d in some way contributed to the bloodbath.
In fact, if you accept that pride should be reserved for achievements over which you should have some control, you’re left with this conclusion: the only people with any right to national pride are immigrants.
It makes perfect sense. Only an immigrant has taken a conscious decision to earn or claim nationality. In many cases they have taken great risks to come here, leaving family and friends behind them to be faced with outright hostility on arrival, with newspapers printing front-page headlines like: “NOW IMMIGRANTS ARE MAKING OUR CURRY.” In fact, the costly and bureaucratic tangle involved in the citizenship application process alone means that anyone who gains British nationality today really has to have earned it.
The irony is that those people with the most extreme sense of national pride are those most opposed to anyone else earning the right to share it with them. And, in most cases, they are people who earned their citizenship with no more conscious effort than I did, by arriving landing on a bit of ground that happened to be governed by the British Crown.
In fact, I’d like to see some kind of legal ruling that national pride may only be publicly expressed by those who’ve gained their nationality through their own actions, if for no other reason than that pathetic right wing newspaper editors like Paul Dacre, Richard Desmond and David Dinsmore would have to print the headline: “NOW IMMIGRANTS HAVE STOLEN OUR PATRIOTISM,” and then dissolve into a puddle of waxy sploodge from pure rage, like the bad guys at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.
In the meantime, I’ve decided to base my own feelings of pride purely on the achievements or failures of people who are the same height as me. It seems to make as much sense as the nationalist approach, and would give me an exciting new choice of people with whom to associate.

Jon Taylor is a freelance journalist, writer and comedian, visible to the world at jonnalism.co.uk.

Friday, July 03, 2015


You wait and wait for a bus to come and two come along at the same time right?. One Libdem Alistair Carmichael MP and Lawyer and two Ms. Whitford snp MP and Consultant NHS Doctor. Mr Carmichael we know about as he is now in the dock having sworn to tell the truth, he is charged with lying to the electorate. The other Ms. Whitford finds herself the subject of an article by Mark Ward of “Scotland’s big Voice” which is a social media site accusing her of telling industrial lies about the NHS to the voters, very similar accusations. Will Doctor Whitford however find herself in the dock?, will  those upstanding public spirited snp followers who insisted on Mr. Carmichael facing the courts insist on Ms. Whitford meeting the same fate?. For some reason I suspect they won’t. The following is the social media article concerned NB  - The authors and the site are a matter of public record which rather begs the obvious question, will she in fact demand her day in court to defend her reputation which will be in tatters surely if she does not.    

Up pops this scion of honesty, truth and virtue; the MP who made her Oath in Scots Wahey Brigadoon dialect, has tweeted, "Scotland's Police and Fire services are ONLY ones in UK that pay full VAT. Costs £33 million / year! Tories determined to keep it that way" says she.

Well, Ms Whitford. Where to start? In 2012, UNISON and the FBU both raised this with the Scottish "government", arguing that these services could have retained their exemption status by not centralising them, as the SNP then decided to do, in the face of this evidence.
In fact, George McIrvine (UNISON Police Staff Scotland Branch) categorically stated that it would have "strengthened greater local democratic accountability, now sadly lacking in the new Police service", while seconding an FBU motion.
He tellingly continued, "But of course that would have meant less direct ministerial influence and control over Scottish Police. At the time in 2012, some of the Scottish Government’s explanations raised suspicions that they knew about this issue of VAT exemption before the Police and Fire Reform Bill was published".
UNISON then submitted a Freedom of Information request for the correspondence in relation to the Police and fire VAT.
“Surprise, surprise Congress, the Scottish Government refused this on the 'catch all' grounds that this was only advice to ministers. They even refused to confirm that such papers even existed".
However, UNISON got the documents on appeal, said George, and the key point was that HMRC had made it crystal clear that a National Force would not qualify for VAT exemption.
Damagingly, Mr McIrvine observed, "This was never included in the consultation, and consultees were not given the full picture of the consequences of the centralisation of police and fire.
“Not the standard of openness we are entitled to expect from any government. More a case of burying bad headline news that doesn’t support the Scottish Governments centralisation agenda.
“The Scottish taxpayer, and indeed police and fire support staff, are now paying the hefty price".

Not quite the picture you're painting, Ms Whitford, is it? Evidence which is minuted in parliament which proves unequivocally that you are in fact lying. No surprises there, eh.