A bad couple of days, we have lost two giants of the political left, Bob Crow and now Tony Benn, we are still standing though and the struggle will go on.
A couple of years ago Tony Benn was doing a book tour and was to
speak at the Theatre Royal in Glasgow, 3 invites were sent to Renfrewshire
Council to attend as invited guests as our constituency of Renfrewshire is
where Glasgow Airport who were sponsoring the tour is located, I got one of
those tickets because Labour leader of the council Jim Harkins found himself
dealing with some emergency or other and had to drop out, lucky coincidence
number 1. We, (provost Ronnie Burns, Cllr. Tom Williams and myself) turned up
at the venue over an hour early by mistake, lucky coincidence number 2. We were
shown in to the invited guest reception area where we took the only table there
to wait, it was a stand around and mingle affair and we were first in and it
was the only table and it had 5 chairs. Minutes later in came Tony Benn with
his assistant and we sat there mesmerised as he looked over and we realised he
was coming over to ask if he could join us, happy coincidence number 3.
We then spent just short of an
hour talking to one of our great political heroes and it was like a personal
tour of most of the twentieth century, Churchill, Ghandi, Lloyd George, JFK,
Khrushchev, Mandela, Nye Bevan, Clem Atlee, Kings, Queens, Presidents were all
included in the discussion and of course he had met them all. He was the most
modest and genial of men, highly intelligent and kind and a great Socialist. He
gave us copies of his book and I still treasure mine which has written on the
inside cover "to Terry in unity Tony Benn". When people attack the
Labour Party I think of people like Benn, Foot, Bevan etc. and I am encouraged
that I am part of what they stood for.
I take
what some might consider to be a simple stance when I say ‘if the Labour Party
is good enough for Tony Benn then it is good enough for me’. Tony Benn is by no
means unique in this regard, there are a great many fine Socialists like him in
the party but he is famous and as such he’s a good example to use. I watched a
tribute programme last night on Tony Benn and was struck by the twisted logic
that was used by some of his opponents like Healey, Kinnock and Hattersley,
essentially what they were saying was that his opposition to them was divisive
and their opposition to him was not divisive?. I think there is great anger and
jealousy now among those who fought these bitter battles with him, it was never
anything else but left V right and the latter are regarded as the people who
let the party down while the former Tony Benn, is regarded as a Labour hero. Be
prepared for more settling of old scores over the next while as the right
wingers regroup to traduce his memory.
is a funny old game. Tony Benn R.I.P.