Today at 1pm to the council main chamber for the Leadership Board Meeting, a fatally flawed title when you consider that the Leadership Board is in fact chaired and led by Mackay the SNP? Council leader which of course means that it is completely rudderless and meaningless. They still think that trotting out figures from "consultation exercises" such as 6o% agree with the council decision is valid, it's not because they never include the size of the sample who were consulted, it could be 6o% of 50 people which would be 30 and representative of hee haw, Mackay doesn't seem to grasp yet that people are not as stupid as he likes to think.
Another example of SNP leaders Mackay's lightweight intellect and glaring inexperience came back to haunt him today at this meeting. 2 or 3 weeks ago when I asked him a question he was a bit harassed and blurted out "I'm not going to debate with you Kelly" 'OOEEE OOAAA' gasped the meeting in mock horror at how he had stripped me of my title of councillor and reduced me to plane old 'Kelly' he refused to listen to advice to correct his childish error and pressed on, today he paid for that immature, childish error. I raised my hand to speak and he said "yes Cllr. Kelly" and I said with a smile "oh so I'm councillor again am I, thank you for that, MACKAY" poor lad what could he do but allow it he looked as if he was ready to bolt because he knew what was coming as he rightly guessed that I would and did use every opportunity at the meeting to refuse to call him councillor and refer to him as Mackay, poor C.E. David Martin looked miserable sitting next to him with a look which said "why me, why have I got to be saddled with wet behind the ears kid, he keeps making fools of all of us" I will now consider whether to call him Councillor in future, if he can get away with dropping my title of Councillor then so can I and so can anyone; he set the precedent and was too naive to see the consequences, perhaps he will apologise to me to save himself further embarrassment.
Here are 3 items which I picked up on at the meeting, 1 from Mackay and 2 from Cllr. McCartin in the case of Cllr. McCartin the council witnessed an occasion which has never been seen before, which I will return to in a moment. During the recent budget meeting I mistakenly voted for the Tory budget 'mea culpa' I did it and I took the ribbing for it, today Mackay stated while making a point that Cllr. Kelly (I'm a Cllr. again) voted with the Tories, which I of course did, Mackay tried to say that I did it deliberately, make of that what you will. I'm not the biggest name in politics but I'm confident that if you told people that I voted with the Tories without an explanation you would be asked what you have been drinking, that is how utterly stupid Council Leader Mackay is. McCartin then said while mounting her regular disingenuous attack on the last Labour Government that someone from Labour left a note in a drawer in Downing Street which said "sorry there's no money left" like Mackay's infantile accusation about me supporting the Tories she wants people to believe that this note was meant to be serious, the only place where you can find people who believe this now is within the SNP/Libdem administration to be found at Renfrewshire Doo Lally Council.
The SNP Libdem bunker is also the only place where the belief that the world recession was the cause of the last Labour Govt. and Gordon Brown can be found, I pointed out that Mervyn King the Governor of the Bank of England and no friend of Labour recently stated that the Labour Govt. were not to blame. It was also stated by someone that Labour and Gordon Brown responded best of of all the countries affected; that someone was a Mr. Paul Krugman who also happens to be the holder of the Nobel Prize for Economics.
So! Mervyn King and Paul Krugman listen up, are you aware that Libdem leader and chief jersey seller Councillor Eileen McCartin and the Boay Mackay disagree with you, perhaps you should think again?
The occasion referred to above which has never been seen before was as a result of my repeated invitations to McCartin to come in and discuss the recent by election where her and her party were humiliated by crawling in 5th. To the astonishment of everyone she ignored the invitation and refused to comment on the by election. When someone as arrogant and ignorant as she is abandons the habit of a lifetime which was to show no respect or contrition for anything and disdain for everyone runs away from defending her party; it is safe to say that the Libdems are toast. They are finished here and over the country as well. They quite simply are paying the price of their sins, the lies told to the electorate are now haunting them and it couldn't happen to more deserving people.